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This was requested by
kianRlawl   | Hope you like it:)


You were laying on your bed till you heard the doorbell ring.You ran after you heard it knowing it was Kian .You too planned too film a video to upload on your channel since you've only filmed one together on his channel.

You opened the door and hugged kian.He hugged you back wrapping his hands around your waist .

You aparted and you smiled at him.
"Ready?"He asked. "Oh I've been ready"you responded causing him to giggle.
"Alright let's do this baby" he said

Kian brought his camera equipment and you guys also planned on doing a girlfriend/boyfriend tag .

He set up the camera outside and you guys then sat down in front of it ,turning it on.

"Hey guys it's Shelby ,welcome back to my channel ,I know it's been a really long time since I've posted and I'm really sorry about that"You began to say

"But today I have a really special guest with me and that isss" "Me!"
You laughed "Kiann Lawley everyone !"you said
"And we will be doing the boyfriend/girlfriend tag!"you said to the camera.

You guys began the video and answered questions about each other throughout the video.You guys would mess around and Kian would sometimes even hold you and give you small kisses on your cheek causing you to blush and smile.
"I love you Kian"you turned to him
"I love you too Shelby"he said to you leaving you another kiss .
Should I start a dirty imagine?I want to but I need to know if you guys would want one.Smut?or no?

Kian Lawley Imagines✎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt