Request|for Cayci

563 17 2

This is for _CaszeyJ_  :)

You and Kian were recently aparted because you got accepted to Columbia University so you guys tried doing a long distance relationship .

"Ughh I can't fucking wait I miss you so much"you talked into the phone
"I miss you so much too baby"Kian talked
"So what day are you flying in ?" You asked
"Um I don't know maybe next Monday  ."
"Oh my god !"you squealed
You heard him giggle into the phone ."Your so cute "he said
"I know"you said causing him to giggle once again.
"Ok I'm sorry Cayci but I have to go now,I have to film with Jc" he said
"Oh yea oh ok bye Kian,I love you"
"I love you too Bye baby" he said

You then finally hung up the phone .You sighed .You missed him so much .You too haven't seen each other in three months.

The day after the next day you got a text from Kian reading

Kian-I'm really really sorry Cayci but something has come up I can't come after all I'm so so sorry  .

Thoughts ran through you head.
Some part of of you felt like something was up ,like cheating but you know he would never do that or maybe he really was telling the truth.

You replied back.That whole day that text had you wondering and you felt sad .You were looking forward into seeing him.

The next day you stayed in bed .You didn't feel like doing anything.

You turned on your phone reading it was already 3:00pm .After awhile there was a knock on the door.You got up slow and lazy .You opened the door to your dorm.
"Kian!!"You jumped onto him kissing his soft lips breathlessly.You felt him smile .
You aparted "Why the hell would you do that!" you hit his arm playfully.
He laughed."What?!I wanted to surprise you ."he smiled then kissed your cheek.

"Your lucky I love you way too much to not stay mad at you"you said
"I knew you would something like that"he said smiling.You rolled your eyes and kissed him once again.

Hope you liked it:)

Kian Lawley Imagines✎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt