Chapter 1

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A/N: I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. From now on it takes a bit of a twist and I just make dua this isn't too cliché. Also, can you guys please comment and give me feedback if you are or are not enjoying it. Jazakallah for making this book a success.
***4 years later***

My alarm clock began to shriek and I groaned in response, wondering why it was ringing so early in the morning. It was the holiday!!! My mother's voice filled my ears, and the realisation of what day finally sank in. It was my first day of University!!! Today I would begin my course to become someone I always wanted to be.

In all honesty, I had not wanted to go to university, but my course required that. Unlike most girls, I didn't put on any make up, jewellery or fancy clothing, simply a dusty gold hijab and a black abaya with a gold pearl necklace just as a neckline and a tiny hint of honey to soften my lips. I did this everyday and even though I was going to wait to dress up only for my husband, I still wanted to feel beautiful. This was how I dressed every single day, and besides, I had found a university with only female students.

Picking up my required stationery, I left the house and revved up my car, a small Volkswagen. It wasn't ugly, and it took me to where I needed to be. Money was never something big for me. Money wasn't meant to be wasted on yourself. Allah would provide for what I needed.

University was something totally different from school. Teachers cared little about who attended lessons and rarely even noticed your presence. I had chosen to study neuroscience alongside neurosurgery. Neuroscience was my first course, leaving me with enough time to brush up on my Hifz. I was only 19, but I wished to marry soon, although my parents were not very keen on doing so. Since I had been 14, marriage had become a life goal, and had assisted me in lowering my gaze, wearing my hijab and abaya, saving myself from Zinaah and haraam relationships and becoming more mature and pious. Not that I was there yet, and I hoped to go into Niqab soon to help me achieve the piety goal.

Uni was boring, to say the least. I couldn't concentrate and the monotonous tone the teachers used made me want to slap them so hard. The lesson drudged on and finally, it was time to go home!!!
The atmosphere at home was totally different from what I'd expected. Ummi and Abba sat on the sofa, their faces grim, while my cousin Maariah, aka my bestie sat grinning like crazy. She knew me in and out, so why was she grinning? My father cleared his throat, and began talking.

"Husna. I've raised you for 19 years now, and you know that one day I'll have to let you go. Unfortunately, we might have to start thinking about it now. A friend of mine has requested for his son to propose to you and I think this is a good offer. Of course, you have a choice so he will be coming over to see you... Tomorrow."

I stared shell shocked at them. Mostly Maariah. She knew I only wanted one guy, so why was she so happy? My heart leaped. Maybe he had asked.

"W..w...who? What's his name?"


My heart fell, shattering into a thousand pieces.
"Okay," my voice as dry as the sands of the Arabian desert. I beckoned for Maariah to follow me to my room, and she did. Locking the door behind me, I pushed her onto the bed and began ranting.

"Why? Why are you smiling? I don't want to marry this stupid, ugly dude. You know that better than anyone."

"Relax Husky! I'm happy that you are finally getting a proper chance to get over Zaid. He won't marry you final! But Adeel will. And I bet Adeel is better looking than Zaid!"

I groaned in utter frustration. I wanted Zaid and Zaid alone. It didn't even matter to me whether he was hot or not. His character, personality and taqwa was all I wanted. Besides, love was something Allah created, and love for the sake of Allah was true love.

With that I was left with a very excited Maariah who had already organised what I would wear.

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