Chapter 10

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I took a deep breath and tried to apply my makeup for the 8th time. It was normally a simple task, but I hadn't been out since the proposal incident, and I still wasn't completely over it. I wasn't sure if I could go out, not yet anyway, but I figured that since I had to get over it sooner or later, I should rather begin my road to recovery right now. No, I wasn't over Zaid, but I was going to be, In Sha Allah, someday.

I wasn't going out alone however. Maariah would be with me, for both moral support and to keep my sudden emotional bursts in check.

I threw down my liner and wiped off the already set makeup. Screw makeup, I wasn't going for a beauty pageant. Picking up my black bag I left the house, looking underdressed and overstressed. No one would care though, everyone was buried in their own bubble of misery.

Maariah and I walked down the the corner café, the dimly lit room a cozy reprise. Seated at one of the five tables was my entire group of friends, Laaiqah, Zaid's sister Aadilah, one of my closest friends Jauhara and the quiet mouse of a girl, Tanzilah. For the next hour and a half we chatted on, me pretending as if I had not a single worry in the world, and the rest genuinely not having a worry in the world.

Aadilah was surprisingly quiet though, and when everyone left to go outside and watch the twilight - I missed it due to being lost in thought, Aadilah stared reproachfully at me.

Being a student at the University of Kensington, about a day's journey away, I had presumed that Aadilah hadn't known about the drama. In actual fact, I hadn't even expected her to be here.

She cleared her throat, and my head shot up in instant response. "Stop it Dila, I know, I know. Stupid of me, hey. It must be so awkward for you. Anyway it hurts but life moves on right?"

"It isn't awkward darling. I always knew you had a thing for him. I never knew it was so... Serious but I knew that you had a teeny tiny crush on him. And life doesn't always move on. You probably know that better than anyone."

"Seriously, how did you know I liked him? But... Why would you tell me life doesn't move on? Why? I mean, sure, you just can't stop loving someone... Especially someone so lovable you know! But he doesn't care, he'll get married soon, to a compatible match, someone whom he actually might click with and fight for, and I'll probably be a weird cat lady. Now cheer up. Don't remind me of THAT!!!"

"Number one Husna, erm don't call him lovable. He is my brother and that's really weird hey. But I wanted to tell you something."

"Save the lies Dila."

"No, he really does like... er well love? You. And he tried. He honestly did. My parents were adamant but he still wants it. And you agreed with my father so he assumed you didn't want it."

"Seriously. I have no hopes anymore"

"But don't give up. He is heartbroken. He wants you. I've never seen either of you more depressed."

"Well so am I!!!!!! Let's just forget about it and go have a hookah... Or a cold drink. Since we're not smokers you know."

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