Chapter 36

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(A Month Later)


I was so excited. My parents were allowing me to to out with Nabeel more often, seeing that we were getting married, but it was a controlled "date." Our parents accompanied us and if we ever had to walk anywhere without them, an army of children were sure to surround us.

I was in love with him. I'd always assumed that I was in love with Zaid but this felt so different. With Zaid it was a fantasy, but now I wanted to give my everything to this man that would be my husband.

It's a good thing my parents were so strict on how we could meet, or else I know my desires would have gotten stronger and I would have given in.

I thought that Nabeel was in love with me too. He used to be so amazing and loving before the engagement, but somehow, I sensed that he wasn't as in love after the ceremony.

Regardless of how awkward this seems, it was rather troublesome to deal with thoughts like this, so I spoke to my father. After much blushing from both sides, my father told me that it's wedding nerves. He assured me that Nabeel was just afraid of being too happy in case something went wrong, or he was afraid of messing things up. He confessed to having felt both when he was about to marry my mother.

That relieved some of the tension from me. Still, it hurt when I went out with Nabeel and he'd pamper me with gifts and chocolates, but all with an apologetic smile. He felt as if he owed me something. I wanted to tell him that I knew he was nervous but that it was okay.

To be quite honest, I was nervous too. I actually contemplated calling off the wedding, but chose not to, for quite obvious reasons.

Normally, at times like these, Maariah would have been my strength, but she seemed to become more and more distant every day. Unlike with Nabeel, I knew exactly why she was behaving that way. She'd confessed to it that engagement morning. I didn't want to force her to be around me when she felt uncomfortable with the idea of marriage and, sad that it wasn't her in my shoes.

I knew how she felt. So often had I seen couples and wished that I had been loved and cherished like that. Now I had that, and it was unfair on her.

Despite all the unnecessary tension, I was happy. I was overjoyed to finally be able to be the Queen I dreamed off. I was a princess being released into the world and that was a dream come true.

But the truth is, they say dreams come true but they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too.

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