Chapter 26

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She had decided to show up at the proposal either out of decency or because she aimed to impress Nabeel. The latter seemed more accurate, considering her childish, lovestruck tantrum just hours prior to her arrival.

Me: Maariah. It's so... Nice... To see you.

Maariah: I only came to help, if that's what you want to know. I'm not a witch, hey.

Me: Well I appreciate your help?

Maariah: So are you going to let me in or not?

Me: Uhhh come in...

I stood gaping at what had just happened.

Layyah stood awkwardly in the background, wanting to ask me why Maariah had had such a sudden change of heart. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Maariah and welcomed her to the dinner. Over her shoulder, Layyah whispered to me to keep quiet and act as if nothing had happened.

My mother, on the other hand, not knowing about Maariah's connection with Nabeel, was so glad that she had arrived. Aunty Haseenah also welcomed her warmly, and soon she was talking to everyone with absolutely no hatred hinting in her voice.

Yet I should have known that it was too good to last.

Considering that it was the 21st century, my parents weren't totally against me seeing Nabeel again. After all, we were to be married. Yes, it wasn't completely right but it was also better than most proposals. Layyah's brother, Raihaan, would be there, and that made it rather convenient for me to see Nabeel.

Raihaan was like a brother to me. We had grown up together, played together and shared our deepest secrets. As we grew older, we began to drift apart in terms of telling each other everything but became closer than ever at functions, family dinners and events. Being an only child, I had longed for a sibling my whole life, yet now I realise that he truly filled that void. I knew that he would be there for me today when I needed him most. Raihaan could be light hearted and funny, deep and philosophical, or just plain boyish and dumb. He really was the ultimate package and I prayed that one day he would end up married to the someone who deserved his love. He had a lot to offer and no girl should take that away from him.

While the ladies made small talk about their husbands, lives and recipes, Raihaan entertained Nabeel outside. The two practised their freestyle skills, and Raihaan, who actually had an interest in this as opposed to Nabeel who didn't, was proud to show off his cool new moves. He also found it convenient to whisper lame remarks to me during his performance, which Nabeel, thankfully did not catch.

Maariah was still inside when I left to see Nabeel, so I wasn't too concerned about him seeing her. She seemed content just helping around the house and trying to impress Aunty Haseenah with her homely skills. Yet the moment I turned my heel to Nabeel so that I could go to the bathroom, and chat to Layyah about my oh-so-gorgeous and talented future husband, Maariah made a sudden appearance. She miscalculated my timing, so we ended up face to face, unable to speak. After a few calculated seconds, Maariah spoke.

Maariah: Oh, Husna... I was just going to ask you to come inside. I feel like we should all help clear up. Besides, you're going to be part of Aunty Haseenah's family soon. At least try to make a good impression.

I knew that that was sinister, considering that she had almost walked past me, but I told myself not to have unnecessary doubts. I quickly excused myself to go to the bathroom and said that I would be with her shortly.

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