Chapter 11

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JUlie's pov.

Jane came to pick me up and then we got to school and her old boyfriend was making out with some girl and she started a fight with him.

"What the heck?"


"You are a retard. First you decide to dump me but not only that but You make out with someone on my car."

"You dumped me because my friend so what did something bad to her. But obviously he didn't."

"You don't know the damn story so you better shut up because I have people that could put you in a coma too."

The school bell rang and I started for class when the principal said my name over the intercom.

Jane, Cody, and Julie please come to my office

"You three have detection and community service hours."

"But I .." He cut me off

"I don't care."

"She wasn't involved in the fight."

"Ok no detention but community service hours and you are going home all of you."

When I got home my mom got mad and grounded me then I told her the whole story and then she ungrounded me. I finished my homework and then I called Jake.



"hey how are you?"


"Shouldn't you be in school right now?"

"Yeah about that, June kinda got me suspended because of her fight with her old boyfriend."

"So do you want to come over then. Because I can't do anything any way."


She was heading to her car when she saw a note and it said: Now that your boyfriend's under house arrest he can't protect you.

After she read the note someone came up behind her and he started kissing her neck when she turned around to try to see who it was she noticed that he had a ski mask on. She back kicked him to get away and got in her car and drove to her boyfriend's house. When she got there she knocked on the door and he opened the door.

"What's that?"

Julie looked down and saw a hickie on her neck. She tried to explain but he shut the door in her face. She went home and she stayed home and she watched "The Notebook", "The best of me", "Safe Haven", "The Lucky One", "The Last Song", "Dear John" and she ate junk food.

"Julie, Julie where are you?" Said Jane.

"Leave me alone."

"Woh what happened?"

"He broke up with me."


"This guy came up on me in the driveway and gave me a hickey and he thought I was with another guy and he didn't even listen to me."

"Honey it's okay but we have to go to school. Let me help you with the tears."

"I am not wearing make-up though."

"That's okay I wouldn't either."

Jake's pov.

When they got to school Julie saw that Jake was back and June said she was taking online classes but will still bring her to school. She was walking to the door of the school when some of Jake's friends asked her, "Did you really cheat on Jake with another guy?"


"What's going on here?"

Julie turned around and it was none other Jake. Jake took her and went around the corner and asked her if that was true and she said, "Yes."

He finally said, "Sorry I didn't listen to you I just assumed that you had cheated on me......" when he got stopped by Julie kissing him.

"Don't worry about it. I will always forgive you."

Jake's whole group suddenly popped up next to them and they all said, "AWWWW isn't that cute."

"Get away we are having a moment."

"Whatever you say boss."

"Now where were we."

"Where ever you were going to do next."

"That helps so much Julie thank you." he leans in and kisses her on the lips after he's done with that he gets down on one knee and he asks her to be his girlfriend officially.

Down on one knee "Will you be my girl friend Julie bos?"

"Omg YES!!!"

Jake picks her up and twirls her in circles then he puts her down and kisses her on the lips. He goes to her ear and whispers, "I love you."

"I love you too."

They go to school that day then he takes her to meet his other brother and sister and they ask him if he is going to marry her and he says, "I think I am especially since everything we have been through. Besides I have to protect her more then ever now that I mentioned that I am her boyfriend officially you know how that goes with the gang. "

"Yeah that's why I told dad I would never go anywhere if we were going to be with his gang. I didn't want to be in that crowd ever."

"Well next week we graduate and I think I am going to ask her then."

"Are you sure she is the one bro?"

"I have never been so sure in my life Brother."

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