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Song: Shine
Year: 2007
Album: Beautiful World
Pairing: Doctor/Companion


You, you're such a big star to me
you're everything I wanna be
But you're stuck in a hole
and I want you to get out

I don't think you realise how special you are and how much you mean to everyone who knows you. There are a lot of people in the universe who would love to be even a little bit like you; brave and smart; outgoing and humorous. But, like the song says: you're stuck in hole. You're stuck in a hole that we all want you to get out of. This 'hole' you're in is stopping you from realising how amazing you are and how much we all love you. If only you stopped to think a moment about what you do and what it means to the people you help; what it means to us as you're companions; as your friends. Without you, we would be nothing. We would be stuck at home with nothing more to keep us entertained other than our simple, boring lives. You have shown us the wonders of the universe and yes, it may be scary and it may be dangerous at times, but it's worth it – and you need to believe that.

All the time you put yourself down by saying things like: "I could've saved them – should've saved them." When you know you did everything you could to save as many people as you could. You have to realise that you can't save everyone all the time – no matter how hard you try. So, again, like the song says: Stop being so hard on yourself, it's not good for your health.

If you just open your eyes for a second, you might be surprised at how much you've done and how much it has affected people for the better. And, if you open your eyes wide enough, it might just make you want to smile.

I'm telling you all this for a reason and the reason is: I want you to get out of that hole you have dug yourself into and I want you to let me love you, let me know you and let me show you the light on your face. Let it shine because you're all that matters to me.

So come on, come on, get it on
Don't know what you're waiting for
Your time is coming don't be late, hey hey
So come on See the light on your face
Let it shine

Just let it shine
Let it shine.

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