When We Were Young

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Song: When We Were Young
Year: 2011
Album: Progressed
Pairing: The Doctor and to some extent the Master


When we were young
When we adored the fabulous
When we were young
We were the foolish fearless
Never knowing the cost of what we paid
Letting someone else be strong
When we were young

When you're young you think that the world is a fantastic place full of laughter and everything is perfect. I thought that when I was a kid too. I had this friend who would always be there for me, we would always play on the hills of Gallifrey and everything was perfect.

Then, we grew up and everything changed. The World became dark and scary, and we lost our friendship and became arch enemies. Sometimes I wish that had never happened. To be honest, there is no 'sometimes' I think that all the time. I wish we were young again and that everything was how it seemed. The world of dreams we were living in was much better than what had become of our home before I destroyed it.

When I have friends in the TARDIS with me, all that goes away and I realise the world I now live in has it's upsides and sometimes everything is how I want it to be. But most of the time things are anything but.

I'm over 900 now, I'm no longer a child, but I still have many more years in me. But like many people. I want to be a kid again, so I don't have to worry about things like wars, my parents would do that for me.

I'd do anything for a second chance at life.

When we were young
When everything was what it seemed
And every day was how we dreamed
Never knowing the cost of what we paid
Letting someone else be strong
When we were young

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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