The secret Mission

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Hey guys! I know I tend to spread out when I update but life's been busy. But now I have more time so I will be sure to update soon! :)

<3 Cupecake78


Chapter 12: The secret Mission

Kit's Pov (again sorry :( We will get to others soon just wait)

Okay so it has ben pretty busy around here. As in 'here' I mean my new house / HQ. My new/old family hhave been treating me like as if I never left. Although I still call my parents, Rasa and Lima. I don't know I still find it kinda weird so .... Anyways they got me a NEW PHONE! I have absolutely NO IDEA how to use it but i'm being SUPER careful with it. Hey, I think I remeber seeing Glitch with a phone! OMG! I could get his number (I think that's what it is) and we could start hanging out more. It's been a week and a half and I haven't seen him or Mo. I really miss them. I told Makenna and Terance that I like a guy but I haven't told them the name but when I do, they will get it.  I walk into the living room as Terance was sitting there, flipping through channels with Makenna. 

"Hey guys . Whatcha up to?" I start.

"Nothing really, were just SOOO bored." Makenna complained.

"Ha yea ur not kidding when you say that" Terance says. He shuts off the T.V. and motions for me to come sit down.

" So you guys work with the headquarters. I thought that you could only dance." Terance chuckles at this. He takes out what looks like a see-through IPad or something like that and pushes a button. As that button is oushed the TV goes into the wall as another screen pops out of the wall, where the TV was. 

"This is what we get to do"Terance explains.

"You guys are the security cameras? Man this MUST be boring." I say.

 " I guess it's not that bad once you get used to it." Makenna sighs.

"Why don't you guys dance. If I'm so good, how come your not?"

"Oh we are NOT good at all! Have you seen Terance dance? Oh I don't even think you even want to think about it." makenna exagerated. I could tell Terance was getting fired up.

"Alrighty little miss perfect. when was the last time you had a dance battle?" Terance seemed to feel bad after he said this because Makenna looked down at the ground and played with my shoes.

"I dont know how. I never danced before" My heart was crushed by this. She hasn't danced in  her life! And how old is she, 12?! and she doesn't know how to dance. Me and Terance both looked at her with hopeful looks as I said.

"Well I can teach you. Both of you, if Terance needs it that much, Makenna every kid should have the possibility to dance. C'mon." She took my hand as we walked into a dance room. The walls were lined with mirrors, the floor was nice and smooth yet slippery, and a boombox, BOOMY!

"What song?" I asked Makenna. She pushed me aside and said, 

"Let the master of tech, show you how it's done." I was surprised at the song she picked, 

(Calabria 2008: Enur Ft. Natasha)

I was surprised at her pick but she wanted it. As I got in my position , She says, 

" Now what, seeming as if her arms were glued to fleathers. 

"Well for starters you should loosen up. " I started shaking my arms and rolling my neck , and she did the same. Terance started to walk over and he started doing it too.  Once I stopped I started doing a routine to the song. First starting with "5...6...7...8.." I did smooth moves to the song as they were by standers, 

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