Meet the crews

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Chapter 21: Meet the crews

Kit's Pov

As we run into the street I begin to worry. What will happen. I'm am very upset about what Rasa (nope not calling him dad anymore) did. I just can't believe how much he had to do. I would rather him take away my phone then take away dance. Dance is my everything, my joy, my one true love. Then to go and take it away? How selfish can that dude be?! As these thoughts boggle my mind Terance and Glitch stop me in my thoughts. I look up at them with dry eyes as Glitch says,

"Were here." I look around but there isn't anybody around.

"I don't see anybody here. And I don't hear music either. How is this supposed to make me feel better?" I whine as they pull me along the creepy shadow street. I was just about to turn around until Glitch stopped me and grabbed my hand.

"After you baby." Glitch motioned to a brick wall after we go into a short alley way. 

"Um where? It's a brick wall!" I say frusterated.  Before I could back away Terance pushes me into the wall. I scream like I have never screamed before. I cover my face as I smash into the wall. I imediately fall to the floor after hitting the wall. 

"OUCH! What the heck you guys!!?" I am really annoyed right now. I just want to go and sulk in my room. 

"oops, wrong spot. " Terance chuckles nervously. I growl at him. They move me two steps to the right. They start to push me again. I then put my feet up against the wall except they slipped through. My body went through the brick wall of dark. I couldn't hear anything else after that because I was covering my ears , along with my eyes practically closed shut for the rest of my life while screaming my head off. I then land with and "Umph!" My eyes still sealed shut and my hands pretty much glued to my head. I wan't scream so I could somewhat hear the rest of the people but I wasn't exactly paying attention. Some people then grabbed both my arms and dragged me away from that spot. I start to scream and kick my legs as my hands were removed from my head. They had both of my hands and arms and a huge guy then grabbed my ankles so I couldnt kick them anymore. 

"WEEEE!!" I heard someone scream. I slowly open my eyes that are full of tears to see someone very blurry but was comforting to my eyes. A boy with jet black hair with a purple streak  wearing a putple shirt with a bowtie and skinny jeans with purple hightop sneakers. It was Glitch. 

"Hey, woah put her down boys, she's mine." The people then drop me but Glitch caught me. I grabbed tight of his neck. Once I got to my feet I hugged him as if I wasn't going to see him again. 

"Glitch! Wh-where am I! I am so scared don't leave me like that Please! I've done enough crying in one day." I say to him in tears.  He hugs me back even tighter. 

"I know, I'm sorry." He says while brushing his hands through my hair. 

"AWEEEE!!" The people that picked me up sung. I looked over to the people and jumped back into Glitch's arms when I did. It was all the crews.  Turns out Mo and that blonde guy from riptide crew was holding me.  Terance then comes through the dark brick hole. Now I know it as a Hell hole.  All the crews were starring at me like I was crazy until I saw how I was. I have my hands round Glitch's neck while he's holding me bridal style. I give him a weak smile and jump down. 

"Woah! Okay, what did I miss?" Terance asks while rubbing his hands together. 

"Your lil' sis is KIT! That KIT! She has never lost a dance battle like EVER! OMG! I'm such a fan! " The blonde guy says to me. He grasps my hand and shakes it vigorously. My whole body waves along with him shaking (more like killing)my hand." Oh I'm Bodie by the way, and this is my partner Emilia. " A girl with a mess bun updo  comes up to me and slaps Bodie upside the head. 

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