Chapter eight

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Sorry this upload  has taken so long but have been busy at school. Have also had a lot to do outside of that as well. So... I hope you like it.

Walking down that corridor was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. it didn't help that my mother had said nothing since we left my room. It was almost impossible to reach out and open the door to my best friends room.

I had never felt anything as much as I felt the guilt that pulsed through me with each beat of my heart. That feeling only increased (practically taking my breath away) when my mother reached past and pushed the door open to a room so similar yet so different to mine, to reveal the sickly pale shivering form of Samantha huddled under a mound of blankets in her bed.

Tears welled up and flooded my eyes as I raced over to my sisters side.  Up close the guilt got even worse as I saw the white skin and almost dead eyes, the light that usually sparkled in their depth was missing. She also seemed to be looking through things instead of at them.

In all truth it scared me, cut deeply at my heart as I knew That although I hadn't meant it, I had caused this.

At this realisation the tears streamed down my cheeks and a sobs racked my body as I let my head fall forward. I felt a touch on my shoulder and knew my mother stood by my side. Offering me strength when my own seeded to desert me.  

Samantha, however, still sat shivering and staring straight ahead at nothing we could see as if nothing was happening.

Then it stopped. Her whole body tensed and her eyes grew wide in terror.

Then the screams began.

They were nothing more then the shill wordless cry of terror as she flinched back against the headboard. The shaking started again with a new force.

Once again i had no idea what to do and glanced back at my mother for help. By the look on her face she was as shocked as I was. Great ... looked like this was up to me to figure this out.

I sat next to her for almost five minutes before I could take no more of her screams, yet as I stood up to leave an idea came to me.

Without looking at my mother I moved closer to Samantha and started removing the blankets from the nest that had formed around her. Once all of them where as far from her as i could get them without letting go of Sam's still shaking form, I looked at my mother. Her face showed her  confusion and she opened her mouth to say something, but I cut her off.

"No mother, just listen. Okay?" Her eyes widened in shock but she nodded slowly.

"Good. Okay first thing I need you to do is open all the windows as wide as they will go. Got that?" She looked kind of ... confused now, as though she wasn't sure why she was doing as I commanded. But she did as I said.

Once the windows where open i closed my eyes and took a deep breath through my nose. That was better. With the air now circulating through the room the scents of the others in the house became less noticeable every second. And that which couldn't be removed was quickly swallowed up by the scent of the trees and plants outside.

Glancing down at Samantha I saw as well as felt her shivers decrease in intensity with every breath she took. The screams began to quieten until they were only quiet sobs.

"Mother I need you to do two more things for me. First go get dad and then make sure no-one comes in or near this room. In fact make sure they all stay down stairs." i didn't look up at my mother as I said this. I knew she would do as I said, I could feel the power in my voice. Power that ever rivaled that of my mother.

Before she left she walked over to Samantha and brushed her hand across her forehead. Sam flinched away from the contact and whimpered. The look of hurt that crossed her face was almost heartbreaking, I say almost as I still couldn't forgive her for what had happened with Alex, but when I spoke next i made my voice as soft as possible.

"Mother please, go get father and bring him here."

"Alright Mina," her voice was as broken as her expression "Just make sure Samantha stays okay, you understand?"

I nodded as she made her way out the door. 

About ten minutes later both my parents walked into Samantha's room. My mother looked worried and rushed straight over to Sam's side, reaching out a hand she went to brush the hair out of Sam's face, but hesitated. Hurt flashed across her face and I knew she was remembering Samantha's reaction last time.

My father on the other hand looked severely pissed off, as in if looks could kill I'd have died seventy time in the last thirty seconds. He stayed by the door staring at me, he had a deep cut across his face and his body was covered in small cuts which were already healing. 

Looking at him I felt almost.... regretful? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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