Chapter One

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Hi this is the first time i have writen something for you guys on wattpad. Hope you like it.

Chapter One

The pain was bearable but only just. My muscles and bone contorted in unnatural ways, snapping and cracking before repositioning in a new shape. Glancing down I see my hands shorten and my nails become hooked and sharp. I shut my eyes until everything settled and my harsh breathing finally slowed.

Taking a deep breath through my nose I I catch the scent of earth and pine, familiar scents of my forest, my ground and my place. I also catch the scent of my mother, father and my friends, but I also sense something ... different. Its pulling my away from the place I know, past the boundaries of this forest.

Shaking my head sharply from side to side until that feeling passed, I focused my thoughts on my mother and instantly heard her in my head.

"Mina, where are you?" she sounded worried.

"I'm coming Luna."

"What's with the formalities all of a sudden princess." My mother teased.

I started moving towards the rest of my people when I saw a flash of grey to my left. My next question caught my mother by surprise.

"Mother?" I thought quietly "where's Samantha?"

"Well... um... we left her back at the house." My mother stuttered "Why?"

"No reason" I replied as I crouched low to the ground.

Ignoring my mother's questions, I swivelled my ears and heard the faint crackle of leaves under another's paws. I tested the air and caught a familiar scent that belonged to neither my mother nor farther, however if I could smell them they were up wind. I could use this to my advantage.

Slowly and carefully I backed into the trees that surrounded me, staying low to the ground. A couple of seconds passed before I saw the flash of grey again. I stayed still as possible as the blur finally stilled in the place I had just evacuated a minute ago. In front of me stood a small grey she-wolf, her head slowly scanning the area as she scented the air. Finding nothing her ears twitched as she listened for a clue on my whereabouts. She took a small step forwards.

I sprung.

"Samantha!" I shouted with my mind as I leapt through the trees. I saw her jump as a startled yelp escaped her, just as I hit her in the side knocking her onto her back. I pinned her as I stared down at her, meeting her eyes. She glanced away after a moment recognising me as her dominant.

"Samantha, what are you doing out here? Your supposed to be back at the house." I said as I allowed her to rise to her feet. She continued to stare at the ground as if it held all the answers.

Finally she spoke.

"I was restless. I needed to run..." she trailed off as her gaze returned to the ground.

I nudged her in the side pushing her towards the trees.

"Come on then follow me." I said lightly "seeing as you're already out here you might as well run with the rest of us." I put a smile in my voice.

"Really?" Samantha sounded so genially happy, that even if I had been order to send her home (which I hadn't) I wouldn't have.

"Of course their this way." I told her as I led the way through the trees. I called to my parents.

"Mina," they both said at the same time.

I heard the relief in my mother's light tone

"What is it?" my father questioned

" just thought I'd give you a heads up, Alpha" I thought "We have another running with us."

A few minutes later Samantha and I walked into a clearing filled with the rest of our family. Or should I say...pack. We slowly made our way towards the centre where a pair of large wolves stood. One was slightly smaller then the other and had a goldish colouring to their coat, and bright blue eyes. This was my mother. My father had a coat the colour of coal with exception of the silver ruff, which glittered in the light. His piercing green eyes softened when we came closer.

Before I had even stopped my mother was by my side, fussing over me before licking my muzzle. She then did the same to Samantha who wriggled like a happy pup.

Motioning for us to follow, my mother turned and walked back to the centre of the clearing taking her place beside her mate. As I moved to stand beside my father and Samantha took her place next to my mother, every wolf in the clearing fell silent.

Through the pack bond my father's voice rang loud against the silence.

"My brothers and sisters, tonight is the full moon. All of our kind will once again be in this form, ready to run, hunt and play. This night the moons power becomes our power, wishes are granted and links are formed. Tonight no wolf's blood will be shed as tonight we celebrate the White Moon"

He spoke these words every month as a sign of respect to the Great Luna. When he finished the sound of joyful howls filled the air.

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