11-The Court

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Justin's POV:

We've been here like for three fucking hours. Plus, I'm high as hell. Can't they just decide already? It's easy. Just give Liv to me and that's it. Right now we are settling things down in court. Isabella and I are both fighting for Liv's custody. My lawyer is next to me while the judge is talking about whatever.
"Justin, please don't even move. We can't let them know you're high as hell right now. We are already loosing from what I see. So please." He whispered not bothering to hide his panic.
"Ok. I just want to finish this shit already" I whispered back. The judge was still talking, but then something grabbed my attention, he asked something to Isabella.
"So Isabella, do you have a job or something?" The judge said. Yes, she doesn't have a job this is our chance.
"Actually yes, I have a job" she said. 'Probably as a hooker' I thought.
"Really?" The judge said. We all thought she didn't had a job.
"Yeah, I work at a cafeteria." She said.
"Okay. And Justin do you have a job?" He asked. Oh shit, my voice will sound raspy if I talk right now. Maybe smoking pot before this wasn't a good idea. I made my lawyer a face so he could 'save me'.
"Excuse me sir, with all due respect, my client can't answer that question" my lawyer said.
"He has to. Now answer me Justin, do you have a job?" He said looking directly towards me.
"Yeah. You know, I sing." I said, my voice sounded so weird and raspy.
"Okay, now Mr. Bieber can you please take your shades off? We are at a court." The judge said. Oh no I'm screwed. I slowly took my shades off. I decided to look at the ground and not make eye contact with anyone.
"Okay now, do we have a witness for proving that Mrs. Dawson is responsible enough for keeping Liv?" He said. Her lawyer stood up and answered.
"Yes. We have a witness. Her name is Pattie Mallette." What?! My mom?! This can't be true. My mom is betraying me. Oh hell no. I have no witness. I have to text someone quick. I don't know who. I went through my contact list. I finally found someone and this person would help me a lot. I texted that person. Then I got an answer.

"I'll be there in 10"

That made me smile. I'm so going to win this shit. The judge started to ask my mom some questions.

"Is Isabella responsible enough to be a mother?" the judge asked.
"Yes. She is always is taking care of Liv." My mom said
"And what about Justin? Is he responsible enough?" He asked. I hope my mom makes me look like a responsible person.
"Isabella is more responsible than him. I mean, he loves Liv but he also loves to party a lot." That made my blood boil. I was so angry. How can this be possible? My mother has practically betrayed me.
"Who would be a better parent for Liv Mrs. Mallette?" The judge said.
"Definitely Isabella Dawson would be the best option here." She said.
"Thanks Mrs. Mallette. You're free to go." The judge said. I'm so screwed right now. My own mother thinks I'm irresponsible. I have practically no one to help me right now. This ten minutes better pass fast. My mom got out of the court room. The judge looked at me.
"Do we have a witness for proving that Mr. Bieber is responsible enough for keeping Liv?" The judge asked me and my lawyer. I'm so desperate for help right now.
"I-I think so?" I said.
"You have to be sure Mr. Bieb-" just then a female voice interrupted him. She's here, just in time. I knew she'd help me.
"I'm here, I'm Justin Bieber's witness. Sorry for being late, there was this huge line of cars parked on the middle of the street and I couldn't pass." Cassie said. Isabella's eyes widened. I could tell she was mad. They took Cassie to the seat they take the witnesses in court and the judge started asking her the same questions they asked my mother.
"Is Justin responsible enough to be a father?" The judge asked Cassie.
"Of course. He loves Liv with all his heart. You can tell by the way he looks at her." She said smiling.
"And what about Isabella? Is she responsible enough?" He said.
"Um, well she is but..." She said.
"But what?" The judge said.
"Sometimes she doesn't know how to handle emotions well, we had a fight like three weeks ago, and she got so mad she left the house. Also, she left Liv with Justin for days and she said she didn't want to see her until they settled this in court. And well, now she's here" she said.
"And who do you think would be a better parent for Liv?" The judge asked.
"Obviously Justin, Isabella isn't even an option." She said. Isabella looked at her in disbelief and stood up from her chair.
"She's lying! Justin was the one that told me to leave Liv with him until we settled this here. I went to his house and-" I cut her off.
"Please Isabella make this easier for you and say the truth." I said. The judge looked at us.
"Silence! Now Justin, is she lying?" The judge said.
"Of course she's lying. Why would I keep Liv from seeing her mom? That would be inmature." I said. The judge wrote a few things down.
"I think I've made a decision" we all looked towards him.
"But you didn't give me time to defend myself sir. Can we do this another time?" She begged.
"No. I already made my decision. Liv is going with Justin. That's it. Congrats Justin. And Isabella, if you want to visit her you have to talk with Justin okay?" The judge said. Isabella's eyes started to water but she nodded. Yes I won! I told you no one can beat Justin Bieber. I have to thank Cassie. We got out of the courtroom. I kissed Cassie on the lips.
"Thanks babe. I love you!" I said.
"Your welcome" she said and we continued kissing. Just then Isabella passed by with my mother beside her. She was crying. I felt someone touching my shoulder. It was Liv. I took her in my arms.
"Honey do you wanna come home?" I said. She shook her head.
"What do you want to do then?" I said.
"I just want to hold my mama" she said with tears on her eyes. Isabella was looking at us. I put Liv on the floor and she rushed towards her mom. They hugged for like five minutes.
"I'm gonna miss you so much mom" Liv saidm
"Me too." Isabella said. They finished hugging and then I took Lov on my arms again. I walked towards Isabella.
"In case you want to see her or visit her you can okay?" I said.
"This is unbelievable, you weren't here all this time and guess who won? Life's not fair." With those words she left. I walked with Liv on my arms towards my car. I put her in her carseat. I started driving with Cassie beside me. We held hands and smiled to eachother.
"I knew you could win." She said. I smiled
"Of course. But thank you for helping me." I started driving towards home. I'm so happy Liv is with me right now. Could life get any better?

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