18- What Are You Doing Here?

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Isabella's POV:

I didn't know how to react to such events that were happening in my life at this moment. Its like everything froze and all that I could hear was my breathing rhythm and his. I wanted to move, I wanted to throw him out of here and at the same time I wanted to welcome him into Liv's life once again, but I wasn't able to move. All my body was in some kind of pause that made my moves limited and completely awkward. I just stood there looking at his hazel brown eyes for a long while, those were the same eyes that always reminded me of the stars and kindness. But now I feel like all his time, the look on those brown orbs was just a big lie that I lived all these years. I lived in a lie. He hurt my family, he hurt us. And I know Liv deserves to see him, but I just can't put aside all the damage he's done.

I thought I was over this, I really thought so. But with him being here, I just feel really troubled on the inside of my soul. I concentrated on his eyes again letting myself get lost in those honey brown orbs. And it was as if I believed the lies again, as if I saw the kindness that I used to see in them again. Somehow I felt like if something changed in him on the period he was at jail. But some part of me wanted me to not believe the lies that his eyes spread. Suddenly, I built up the courage to speak after all this minutes of just looking at him.

"Justin, what are you doing here?" I say to him, my confussion lingerimg on the words I just spoke.

"I just came to say hi Bella, thats all." he said touching his now shaved hair. His words seemed so genuine, I didn"t know if I could believe him. I wanted to believe him, but something inside of me just couldn't. He isn't even supposed to be here now showing at my doorstep. He wasn't supposed to get out until 6 more years. I wasn't mentally prepared for this. I didn't have the time to prepare myself emotionally for this. I was so confused. How did he get out? Did he escape? In case he did, how did he escape? So many questions, my brain just couldn't create any answers.

"But, you weren't supposed to get out of jail until 6 more years." I say showing my confussion to him. He looks at my eyes, probably trying to read the mixed emotions that these expressed.

"Yeah I know, but I got out early because of my good behavior." He says suddenly finding more interesting the ground than my face. He keeps his gaze on the floor while his hands are the pockets of his blue ripped jeans.

"Oh okay, well nice to see you again!. Bye." I say listening to my concience and try to close the door but his red Vans stop me from doing so.

"Hey! Not so soon. I want to see my beautiful Liv." He says with his famous smile. That smile expressed so many emotions. I wanted to believe him. Should I? I just don't know what to do right now.

"I don't know if I can trust you Justin." I say seriously to him. And it really was like that. I was in some sort of crucible where I couldn't make my mind. Liv wanted him in her life, she needed him. But on the other hand, he was just dangerous to our family's sanity.

"Please Bella, I changed I swear. I promise I won't cause anymore damage in your family, I changed for good." He says while basically begging me to welcome him into my life again.

"We just can't ignore how you kidnapped Liv and how you abused of my sister Justin." I say making things clear to him. He needs to understand that this desicion I took has a reason to be, and he needs to know its his fault.

"And for that I'm sorry Bella! I'm not gonna hurt your sister, I'm not even going to chase after her anymore. And about Liv, I just really wanted to make up for the time I lost." He said. I could see the frustration his eyes expressed. I could tell he just wanted to feel welcome again into our lives.

"You found our daughter annoying Justin! How do you think that made us feel?" I say trying to make him drown, drown in guilt for not showing his daughter the love she deserved from her father.

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