13- He Did It Again

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Isabella's POV:

I feel really weird without Liv around. The house is really quiet without her. I really miss Cassie too. Even though she is a bitch, she's my sister and I love her.

"Isabella, what are you doing?" My mom said looking at me.

"I'm just thinking." I said and looked back at her.

"What were you thinking?" She said.

"About how much I miss everyone. I miss Liv." I said and my eyes started tearing up. Before I knew it, I was sobbing. "Its like a part of me has been taken apart. Mom our family is getting destroyed slowly. First dad, Cassie and now Liv." I said hugging her really tight and sobbing in her chest.

"Well, Isabella you can go and visit them at Justin's." my mom said like it was an obvious choice.

"I just got so caught up at work and studying, and now I finally realize that this is all my fault!" I said cleaning up my tears.

"Don't ever say its your fault. Sure, you should've just got there to Justin's house but you have the right to miss your daughter too." She said trying to comfort me. I decided what I'm going to do. I'm going to Justin's house and see Liv and Cassie. I got up from the sofa and took my keys with my purse and headed to the door.

"I gotta go. I have to see Liv and Cassie." with that being said I stormed off from my house and started driving to Justin's. When I arrived, it was 2:30. I got out of my car and walked to the enormous entrance. I knocked on the door and waited an answer. Guess what? No one answered. I consider this weird because Lillian, one of Justin's employees, is always here to open the door. I waited a little bit more. It was already 2:50 something is definetly going on. I finally decided to check if the door was open. And guess what? It was. I opened the door and everything seemed very calm and quiet.

"Justin?" I called with my voice echoing on the gigantic hallways. I continued walking up the stairs until I heard a sound coming from one of the bedrooms. It was a scream.

"Justin, please don't! I swear I was just picking your phone from the floor! I wasn't going through your stuff!" I heard a voice scream from the master bedroom.

"Of course you were! You big fat liar! I can't trust you anymore!" I heard Justin's voice scream.

"But Justin please I wasn-" I heard a slap and a scream following after Justin cut Cassie off. I stormed to the door and opened it. There layed Cassie on the floor crying with blood coming out of her nose. I felt horrible. Is this Liv's male role model? Her father? The one she's supposed to look up to? Is this the guy I dated? I was shocked and didn't know what to do. This took me by surprise! I totally wasn't expecting this!
"What is going on here?" I screamed as I looked at a surprised and pissed Justin.

"Isabella is not what it seems-" He started talking but I cut him off.

"To me it is what it seems. She's lying on the floor bleeding and I heard when you were screaming to her." I screamed at Justin.

"You bitch better not call the police or-" Justin said getting closer to me.

"Or what? You're going to hit me? Oh please Bieber, I'm not afraid of you." I said.

"You little bitch!" He came closer to me and I ran away. He was trying to chase me all around the house. When I realized something, where the hell is Liv? I ran up the stairs again searching for Liv's bedroom. I could feel the steps getting closer.

"Liv!" I called her but she didn't respond. The was only one door left. I opened it and Liv was sitting on the floor crying.

"Mommy!" Sha said running to me before I see Justin running towards her and taking her in his arms.

"Justin, give me my daughter!" I said but he gave a step back.

"Wait, let's make a deal. You don't tell anyone about this and I will give you Liv. Does that sounds ok?" He said. And I shook my head. When I was about to respond with words coming out of my mouth I heard a police siren out of the house.

"You called the police?" Justin asked me furious. I was about to respond when someone did it for me.

"No, I did." When I looked behind me it was Cassie with a phone in her hands and her bloody nose.

The police entered the room and started handcuffing Justin.

"You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say or do can be used against you on the court of law." The police man said.

"You two are going to regret this." He said being dragged out of the house.

A police aproached me and my sister and started asking us questions. My sister started explaining all the abusive episodes she has lived with Justin.

"Miss, something else wrong with Mr. Bieber?"the police said.

"He took our daughter once and kept me from seeing her." Thats the only thing that came to mind.

"So, basically he kidnapped her?" He said and my eyes started tearing up.

"Yes." I started crying. And I heard Cassie talking.

"Official Hastings I know something more." She said cleaning up her tears.

"What is it?" He said showing try interest.

"He was high when we were in the court for Liv's custody." She said and my eyes widened. She looked at me and started sobbing. I felt betrayed, by my own sister once again. How could she keep her mouth shut?

"Ok, don't worry this will be solved in no time." The police smiled and took off with Justin and his partner on the car.

"Why you didn't tell me that Justin was high on the court? " I asked Cassie.

"I didn't want to get him in trouble. I was in love Isabella. I don't know if I'm ever going to get over him." She started sobbing really hard on my shoulder.

"But thats what sisters are for right? To have eachothers back." I said trying to comfort her.

"Now I realize after all this time that Justin had us all fooled. He got you pregnant and he ran away, and now he used me because he wanted Liv and didn't want to get in any trouble. Can you believe this?" Cassie said. We heard someone going down the stairs. It was Liv.

"Mom!" With that she ran into my arms and this time I caught her.

"Liv, sweetie." I said sobbing really hard.

"Mom I wanna get out of here." She said with tears on her eyes. I nodded.

"Let's go." With that we took our keys and headed home. Today has been a long day. There's a lot to take in. When will my life be normal? Ever since Justin has been around everything has turned upside down. The ride home was silent and awkward. When we finally arrived home, my mom was on the kitchen waiting for us. When she saw Cassie her eyes widened and she ran towards her.

"Cassie? What happened?" My mom said really surprised. And looking at Cassie up and down.

"Oh mom!" She ran towards my mom and started crying. My mom pulled her in and then backed away.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She said and Cassie shook her head.

"Ok, I'm gonna leave you alone. Whenever you are ready tell me. Now, if you need me to slap a bitch here I am." My mom said and we laughed a little.

"Oh mom you can always cheer us up." Cassie said and we got together in a big family hug. I just hope that Justin doesn't appear again.

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