Chapter 2 - Who me?

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The next morning at school.

I barely had time to get dressed this morning. I had my auburn hair in a messy bun and wore a navy skater dress with white flats.
I made my way up to my locker and grabbed my binder for first period when I felt a soft hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, you're the new girl who had French yesterday with me right?"
I turned and was met by a bright eyed brunette.

"Umm excuse me?"

She smiled and stepped back extending her tiny arms to me, she was about 5'5 and had a petite frame.

"I'm Alice!"

"Scarlett." I ignored her hand.

No friends remember? Incognito. It seems cold but friends will do me no good right now.

Clearly she didn't get the fact that I didn't want her there because she wiped her hands on her dress and smiles at me again.

"Like the whore or the letter or whatever that movie was about it?"


"Excuse me?"

I walked pass her.

"That came out wrong." She uttered tying to keep up with my pace.

Who is this girl?

"You walk really fast."

She was beside me now, still smiling.
She won't quit.

"Are you okay, you look like you have cramps?"

She turned to me and held onto my hand. I winced.
The side effects of last night.

I sighed, stopping, "You have no filter huh?"

She giggled.

"C'mon, the bells about to ring. I'll see you at lunch yes?"

Her eyes seemed hopeful.
Leave me alone.
"I guess."

"Okay Scarlett. I'll be expecting you!"
She ran off down the hallway.

She already caught my name. Shit.


I sat by the window seat and peered through the glass and out to the fields, this place was beautiful.

There wasn't a teacher in the class and everyone was talking in their own cliques, some listened music while some had their noses in their books.

I was getting bored, I had no phone, nothing. I opened up my binder and decided to just write my thoughts randomly.

I'm tired of fucking moving around. I want friends, I want to settle. I wish to have a normal life. I'm just tired of this hell hole.

Sigh. I'm 17 and I'm at war with my self... The fuck did I do to deserve this life?? Someone answer me.

................. -Red

I rest my pen down and close the binder. As I notice a boy with dark hair and light brown eyes, he is breathtakingly beautiful.
He scans the classroom and our eyes meet. I turn away and he comes to the vacant seat beside me, he and half of the boys football team, I notice his jersey.

I sniffed the air unbothered by the staring eyes. They weren't staring at me anyways.

Hmm. He smelt like when days are happy yet the rains are near. I smile to myself.

"Hey Kori, how was that game you played last night?"

A beautiful blonde hair girl was now sitting on his desk with her feet crossed, dressed in pink, she had light green eyes and dull pink lips. A total rich pris if you asked me.

She played with her hair unaware of how desperate she looked.
He spoke, "Ugh, we won Jess, its posted on the notice board."
"Who has time to read that anyways?"
I scoffed and Kori giggled.
She turned to me immediately. "Who is this girl anyways?"
I turned to her. Shit. Your worst nightmare bitch.
"Nobody" I said quietly.
"You're right." She laughed.
She got off the desk and placed a kiss on Kori's lips, just as the bell rang.
I tried not to gag.
This was stupid. Then I remembered, Alice. Lunch, a whole new ball game.


I tried walking fast, I had no idea if the voice behind me was talking to me or not. I was just trying to get home. Lunch with Alice went well, turns out she was more of an odd ball than I thought. She was beautiful but her over preppy personality didn't sit well with the popular kids. Seeing how their leader is Miss Priss Jessica herself; she probably was just jealous of Alice and so broke her down from making friends. In opinion Alice could easily be Queen B and a great and much nicer one at that.

"I'm talking to you. Red"

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned slightly, I was relieved to see it was only Carlos.

"You scared the shit out of me!"
I moved in closer to him and smiled, he was looking so innocent, untouched by this hard life that surrounded him. He stared in my eyes and I could see the pain they held.

"Carlos." My hands fall on his cheeks, this is the closest I've ever been in touching him. I took in his scent, he smelled like how a man should smell, strong with a hint of love in him. A bit of boyish softness.

He held my hand.

"You hungry Red?"
His eyes were still on me. He was eyeing my navy dress, I wondered if he was thinking of me naked. I smiled.
"Sure bud."

Scarlett RoseWhere stories live. Discover now