Chapter 7- Kissed by a Rose on the Grey

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Carlos was there in the SUV waiting on us.

His eyes widened when he saw that there were two of us. He looked at me in utter bewilderment and I just shrugged.

We rode in silence until curiousity got the best of me.

"Where we going?" My question wasn't directed to anyone in particular, but anyone with common sense would know I was asking Carlos.

He didn't answer, he stared blankly at the road, his hair alot more wavy since last time. His defined jawline clenching, he seemed upset. I felt the urge to comfort him, but I had already rejected his offer of running away with him, I just couldnt leave Alex, or the other girls for that matter.

I knew for sure I had no real love for Carlos, I knew for sure if I ran away with him, we'd be left in a limbo. There was no hope for us, but I sure did miss his dick though. Funny, cause I had so much, they varied. I guess it wasn't real just the fuck with him. We sorta had an odd connection.

I shook my head, brushing thoughts of Carlos to the side, he's the one who went and made things complicated.

The SUV came to a halt, jerking me back to reality. I rolled my eyes at Carlos before stepping up.

"Thanks for the ride," I said calmly closing the door.


I locked arms with Mandy sensing the fear in her strides.

"Don't worry, I got you," I whispered these words in the crook of her neck as we stepped into the foyer of what seemed to be a classy townhouse.

There was a lady seated behind a cluttered desk. She was pretty, she peaked up and greeted us with a warm smile, before motioning us towards her.

"Hey, you must be the girls from the agency!" She said in a chirpy tone.

The agency?  I tried not to roll my eyes, so that's what he's calling it.

Mandy kept her eyes glued on the floor. Poor girl. She wasn't ready.

"All you have to do is sign in , take the corridor on the right upstairs, room 3..." She paused, a twinkle in her eyes, before saying, "She's waiting on you."

My heart was racing and I felt Mandy twitch as she leaned a bit closer into me.

She motioned me towards the paper for us to sign in.

I stared aimlessly at the paper and took the pen in between my fingers, I stared at it for awhile, before signing in the fashion he taught me to.  (0-0)

He said the zeros represented us, who were in life. We were nothing.

So insignificant that we had no value, no real purpose, unless we were behind, behind him. Only with him infront, then we had value, then and only then did being zero really mattered.

Mandy brought me back to reality as she stared at her nude shoes.

I nodded, handing the clipboard to the woman as she looked at my insignia with utter bewilderment, I don't blame her.

We made our up the stairs.

"Don't worry Mandy." I paused, "It's usually just sex," and in all honesty, for her sake I wish it was.

I squeezed her hands and she gave a soft half smile. I suddenly felt calm, unknowing to both of us, that we found a friend.


The door with the number 3 was black and showed no sign of entry. I looked at it and then to Mandy.

Poor girl, she was just as confused as I was. I brushed a stray strand of my auburn hair behind my ear and breathe.

Mandy leaned against the door post and it slid open responsively.

The look on her face was priceless.

The door opened up to reveal a dark burgandy room that had cream satin drapes that gave the room a heavy feel.

The room had minimal furniture. On the little furniture it had though, was a slender brunette woman.

She wore a thin dress, so thin her shaved mound and perky brown nipples were visible. She perched herself on a cream sofa, she almost melted into it. A bottle of red wine in one hand, a half filled glass in the next.

She sipped it slowly as she looked at me and Mandy with hungry eyes.

I scanned the scantily furnished room and from an ensuite room a man approached and another and another.

My heart rate accelerated.

The lady made her way over to us.
Her walk was deadly.

She had a sick grin on her face, as her cold, slightly sweating palms grazed my cheek.

She turned to Mandy in the same breath.

"What's your name?" Her voice sent chills to my spine.

Mandy looked at me, unsure of what to do.

"Grey," I said.

She smiled.

"I like shy girls."

Her eyes were still on Mandy.

"Kiss her."

She turned Mandy's head towards me and grinned. The men behind her were propped up on the cream sofa.

Stroking whatever it is they thought they had.

Mandy trembled a bit, before searching the insides of my mouth.
Her tongue was long and slender, her breath warm and minty.

I kissed her back passionately.

Instantly awaking Red.

The lady broke us apart and gripped us each by our hairs.  She's strong.

She kissed us both slowly and hard, red wine and sin encamped us.

I heard a groan behind us.

It's time.

I squeezed Mandy's hand for assurance.

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