Chapter 21

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     My bedroom door opens without warning and I look up irritably from my book, expecting it to be Tobi. Kaida won't come near me so I knew better than to expect it. It's Kisame, looking slightly worried. I shut the book and sit up further. This can't be good. I ask him where Kaida is and he avoids my gaze.
"Hidan sacrificed her." He mutters and my heart drops while my anger spikes.
"What?" I mutter lowly, feeling a growl in my throat.
"She survived somehow, but she's trying to kill an immortal now. She'll die long before he does."
I sigh and follow him to the training hall. When we push the doors open, I find Kaida in the air, punching him toward the ground. Before they land, Hidan grabs her ankle and tosses her across the room. She twists herself to hit the wall feet first, then pushes herself off of it and toward him. We watch for a few minutes longer as the noise from their battle draws the attention of the others who walk in behind us. Kaida is still holding her own, and I can tell that she's truly focused on trying to hurt him. Hidan is still a lot stronger than she is, but he isn't toying with her as much as he usually would, she's making him actually try to fight.
"So, what happened, un?" I hear Deidara finally ask.
"From what we've gathered, she fainted in front of Hidan's room after leaving Pein's office. Apparently Hidan decided to sacrifice her, forgetting that she was a member, then left. She somehow survived and got pissed and this happened." Kisame replies.
"Did anyone even fix her wounds? She's bleeding a lot, un."
I look over at Kisame who shakes his head. "She wouldn't stop long enough for me to look at it. She just marched in here and this happened. I imagine if this doesn't stop soon, she'll die of blood loss or he'll kill her."
I sigh and watch as her body is sent across the room. I rush after her and catch her before she hits the ground. From the momentary glance at her torso, I can tell that her wounds are deep and they've been bleeding for a while. She's pretty beat up from fighting Hidan as well and her arm is wrapped for some reason. She looks up at me, and I notice her eyes are green now, and growls before shoving herself out of my arms.
"Don't touch me."
"Kaida, stop it. Hidan is immortal, you can't kill him. You're hurt and are probably going to pass out or die from blood loss."
"I don't care. I don't have anything to live for anymore. If I die, I'm going down fighting."
She turns to walk away but I grab onto the back of her shirt. I try to get her to look at me but she refuses.
"I know what you're going to do, and you're sick and twisted for even thinking it. Just leave me alone!"
She wrenches her shirt out of my grip before stalking off. I sigh again before walking back over to the group and asking for someone to grab her so I can subdue her. Kisame shakes his head, not wanting to do it because I'll be using the Sharingan. No one else cares enough to try.
"Let me try something before you do it." Kisame mutters before taking off toward her. He sneaks up behind her and grabs her before she can attack Hidan, then pushes past us down the hall and into the base.
"You fuckers ruined my fun!" Hidan complains. "I was enjoying trying to kill Bitch-chan."
The others file out as I walk over to the Jashinist.
"I don't care what you do to anyone else here, but don't touch my sister again or I will bury you." I growl, my eyes flashing red.
"Whatever. She's pretty fucking cute when she's mad..."
When we reach my bedroom, Kisame removes his hand from my mouth and sets me down. I growl in annoyance that he interrupted my fight and brought Itachi into it. I fight the haze at the edge of my vision and the ache in my chest and try to walk away. The room sways a bit and I feel Kisame guiding me back to the bed. Once he has me sitting down, he lightly places his hand on the top of my head to keep me sitting.
"Listen Little One, Sasori needs to come stitch you up and make sure you don't need a transfusion. You lost a lot of blood because of Hidan."
"No, no Sasori. It's his fault. Pein's too." I mumble quietly.
"What happened in the office to make you faint?"
"Pein wanted my blood to test on. He had Sasori draw several vials, but they pulled too much I guess. I felt weak and dizzy, like I do now."
"Can I bring Kakuzu in to stitch you up then?"
I shrug in indifference. "I'm just going to go to sleep now..."
"Stay awake Little One. I'll be right back."
He stands and walks out, leaving me free to lay down at least. Fight the sleep Kaida, fight the sleep... The door opens again, too quickly for it to be Kisame, and I feel a knot of dread in my stomach. I turn my head to find Tobi standing there, his usual demeanor replaced with the one I'd seen in the infirmary.
"I don't know why I survived the sacrifice, if that's what you're wondering." I mutter.
"You're from the Sound, aren't you?" He asks, paying no mind to what I'd said.
"Your guess is as good as mine, Tobi. I don't know where I came from. Ask the Hattori, they'd know. I don't even know where they are. I'm a kid with no ties to my parents, whoever they were. Any questions Creepy Tobi has about my past won't yield answers."
"You're the only one in your village with Sound abilities. You must've come from there. There aren't any remarkable clans there though..." He trails off, obviously not talking to me anymore. "Let me experiment on you." He says suddenly, his mask trained on my face.
"Hell no. Get out of here."
He goes to say something else, but the door opens again and Kisame and Kakuzu walk in with Itachi. Tobi instantly starts to jump up and down and act stupid before leaving. Kisame raises an eyebrow and I shake my head, not wanting to deal with that can of worms right now. Kakuzu lifts the remnants of my tank top and begins to look over the wounds, cleaning them then stitching them shut. Hidan really did a number on me. I'm still going to discover a way to kill an immortal, there's got to be a way. If not I'll make him suffer. Though I do wonder what made me survive that. I'm sure once it gets back to Pein, he'll be wanting to do more experiments on top of having to watch myself around Tobi. I hate this place.
"You need a transfusion and a lot of rest. Give it two days and you should be fine."
I turn to find Kakuzu and Kisame gone, leaving me with Itachi.
"Get out." I hiss.
"No. You haven't spoken to me the whole time you've been here."
"With good reason. You dragged me here to die after leaving me to die. Screw off and get out of here. You're not my brother. You're a traitor and a liar."
"How am I a liar?" he asks quietly.
"You told me you'd never leave, that you'd always be my big brother, and that you cared about me. You lied. You left, you're not my brother, and you never cared."
"I didn't want any of that to happen to you. The plans were already in motion when you arrived. I had to do it. I really hoped Sasuke would've stepped up and been there for you..."
"What plans?" I hiss, sitting up. "Why did you have to do it? You keep saying that but you never tell me why! I'm sick of it! Tell me or get out."
He sighs before sitting on the edge of the bed. "The village wanted the clan dead. The Uchiha were considered a threat. In the end, they wanted me to do it or they would, so I accepted. I didn't want a war in the village. I was supposed to kill everyone, even Sasuke. I couldn't kill Sasuke in the end, I hope one day he'll kill me for it. When you came along, it made it that much harder but I had to do it. Sasuke was supposed to take care of you... I didn't know that any of that would happen to you. I'm sorry Kaida."
I sit there quietly, taking his words in and rolling them around in my mind. The village ordered the massacre... Itachi didn't just do it on his own. It was kill or be killed. Fuck. The door opens and Kakuzu sets up an IV with a blood bag before leaving. Itachi waits a moment longer for me to say something, but I can't come up with any words right now. He sighs and stands up to walk out, but I catch his hand with my free one and pull him into a one armed delicate hug. I'm too broken for real hugs.
"I don't know what to think right now, but thank you for telling me, and thank you for saving Sasuke and me."
"Thank you, Little Sister."
He kisses the top of my head before walking out, Kisame taking his place.
"So, what did Tobi want?"
"You don't even want to know..." 

It's Not Forever *Shikamaru/OC/Gaara* (Book 1) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now