Chapter 22

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    A week later, I'm called back to Pein's office. Three days after the sacrificing incident, he'd called me in to discuss it and to tell me he wanted to test my mortality. Like I was seriously going to let him kill me to see if it works? In the end, he just drew a smaller amount of blood and let me leave. I groan in annoyance at him sending Kisame to tell me, though I don't mind Kisame's presence, I just can't stand Pein. I duck into my bathroom to change out of my pajamas before tying my hair back and putting my weapons together and situated. Once I'm ready, Kisame follows me on the way to the office again. I knock and enter without waiting for permission. Pein looks up from his files with an annoyed expression.
"More blood?" I ask.
"No. I'm sending you on your first mission. Don't blow it. If you try to run, your team has strict orders to kill you immediately, so don't even try. Understood?"
"Aye Aye Captain. I've been going a tad stir crazy anyway... What are we doing and who am I going with?"
"There's a scroll in Suna that I need. It's stored in the Kazekage's building. You'll be travelling with Kisame and Itachi."
"Much appreciated. I can't stand anyone else here so far..." I mutter. "When are we leaving?"
"Immediately, they've been told already what to do."
I mock salute him before walking out. Kisame is waiting for me with a slight smile on his face.
"Happy?" He asks.
"Immensely. I've almost forgotten what the world looks like outside of this cave of darkness."
"You're always so sarcastic, aren't you?"
"You're just now catching on? Let's go, I need to grab a couple of things."
He follows me back to my room and I fill my backpack with clothes and more weapons before meeting up with Itachi by the entrance. Making sure I'm not looking, Itachi performs the signs to open the door. Sunshine hits me as I open my eyes again and I rush out into the woods just outside the cave. It's warm and sunny today, the sky bright blue with just the perfect clouds to watch. The thought stops the smile from crossing my face and I return to my normal emotionless demeanor that I'd adopted since my arrival.
"Let's go." I mutter, taking a deep breath of fresh air.
The guys fall into step with me as we head toward the Sand at a leisurely pace. We have a week to do this, while taking the scroll itself should only take a few minutes, maybe an hour. I wonder if I'll see Gaara there, maybe I can leave a message atleast if these two will let me be the one to go in. I'm not well known in the world like they are, and I'm smaller and probably faster. It'd only be reasonable, right? Maybe I can find a way to disappear as well, Kisame and Itachi won't kill me, that's for sure. I can just disappear and not return.
"If you keep thinking so hard, your brain will catch fire." Kisame tells me, patting the top of my head.
I brush his hand off and stay silent. We walk in silence until Itachi breaks it.
"I know what you're thinking, Kaida. Don't try it."
I roll my eyes and keep my gaze in front of me while my thoughts are elsewhere. It doesn't seem like almost a month has passed since my capture and I wonder what everyone has been up to. Shikamaru is probably watching the clouds right now... Ino, well, who really ever knows what that girl does? Gaara and Temari are probably in the Sand living their own lives. I wonder who the Kazekage is since the last one was killed? Whoever it is better stay out of my way. I'd rather not be killed before I can slip away. It would really put a damper on things if I died. We reach Suna by nightfall, much sooner than I'd anticipated and sooner than I'd hoped. Kisame and Itachi have decided that we're going to camp outside the village for a quicker escape if need be and that the mission would be carried out in the morning.
"Just send me in there to do it. I'm smaller and faster. I'll be in and out without raising an alarm, versus a shark man and a known murderer. If I was seen, they won't recognize me and link me to you." I mutter, jabbing at the fire with a stick, delighting in the glowing orange color coming from the inside.
"Not happening."
"What? It's the logical thing to do, besides I'm sure Pein wants me to prove that I can hold my own. If I get seen as weak, I'm dead. If I can't steal a simple scroll without being noticed, then I'm worthless. I'll be in and out quickly, I promise."
He stays silent for a few minutes while Kisame does the same, though I know his reasoning is to simply avoid the 'sibling' drama.
"You have an hour before we're coming in after you and it won't end pretty."
I roll my eyes and stand, sliding my backpack on before stretching.
"Relax Itachi. Have a little faith in your sister."
With that, I head toward the village, leaving the duo behind.
As I reach the gates, I send out a sound pulse toward the guards, the pressure it puts on their heads causing them to pass out. I enter the village quietly and look around, remembering bits and pieces from when I'd stayed here with Gaara. The village was always deserted at night, and its remained true. In the distance I can see the Kazekage's building rising up over the other buildings. Nearby sits Gaara's home. Looking at it sends a pang of pain through my heart and I feel the urge to run in and hide, but I don't want the wrath of the Akatsuki on him or Temari. I'll find a way to talk to them later. I'm not sure I can even face them if I did see them. I haven't committed any crimes since my arrival, but I feel wrong for even being associated with them and being called a member. If I leave the Akatsuki behind, they'll track me and there'd be hell to pay if I were ever caught. I put my head in my hands for a moment and sigh in frustration before continuing on. I have to get this done...
I reach the building and hesitate before climbing the closest building and using it's rooftop to power my jump down and through the window. The light is off in the office thankfully, and I land with an almost inaudible thud. Hopefully no one heard it. I stay still for a minute to be sure that no one's coming after me before straightening and heading over to the large shelves adorning the wall behind the desk. The full moon is casting just enough light to illuminate the shelves for me to see. I skip the books and head straight over to the various scrolls. Kisame filled me in on what the scroll looks like so I could find it if I was sent in. I grab the scroll I think might be the right one, but I drop it as something wraps around my throat and squeezes. My hands scramble to my throat to fight it, but I can't grasp onto anything. I try to squeak out a word, something, anything really to get it to stop but I can't breathe. My throat is released as I'm tossed across the room, hitting the wall painfully in the process. I see the glint of metal and scramble to my feet as the person advances on me, backing me against the wall.
"What are you doing in here?" The person speaks, the voice low and threatening, almost demonic.
"Don't kill me. I was forced to do this." I explain, trying to keep my voice steady.
The knife clatters to the floor and the person freezes in front of me. The moonlight has disappeared behind the clouds so I can't see the person anymore to tell who it is. I use the opportunity to dive under his arm and try to grab the scroll. He recovers as my fingers graze it and pulls me across the floor back toward him. I feel a pressure holding my torso down, but through the darkness, I can see him still standing. He crosses the room and the light comes on, momentarily blinding me. When I can see again, my heart stops.

It's Not Forever *Shikamaru/OC/Gaara* (Book 1) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now