(The author intentionally provided lines from the song 'Maybe This Time' to add drama in her story. Hopefully, you can relate the melody into the scenario. Enjoy!)
17 months later...
Knock! Knock! Knock!
There were knocks on the door and it took a minute for Mr. Leona to open.
"SURPRISE!!!!" The girls shouted as they pour on confetti.
"Oops! We're very sorry Tito Leona. We thought Zyra will open the door for us. HAHA! it turns out, never mind! Speaking of, where is she?"
Anne apologized while Mae & Tina laughed at the epic fail surprise.
"Oh! It's okay girls. She's upstairs. She's still asleep. Just wake her up for me."
"Okay, Tito! No worries!" The girls ran up the stairs with their stuff around them. Tina is holding a cake, Anne is holding a hippopotamus stuffed toy, and Mae is holding a bouquet of lavenders.
Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Zyraaaaaaaa... Open the door now baby girl!" They got no response so they tried to twist the door knob and found that it wasn't locked. They entered and looked around the room. It looked like a museum of bottles and love letters. The alarm on Zyra's phone rang with a note AIRPORT on the screen.
"Airport? What does that mean?" Mae was puzzled.
"Look at all these cute stuff. One, two, three, ..., seventeen! There are seventeen personalized messages in a bottle all in all." Tina examined the bottles one by one and put them back on the shelf afterward.
"Wait! Don't leave me yet. Before you go. I would like to thank you for giving me everything. For letting me experience human infinity even just for a week. Rolph, what will I do to stop you from going? Will I court you and be my boyfriend to stay with me? I love you, Rolph. I'm sorry for being selfish but I can't accept you as a friend only. I want you to be my romantic partner in life. Remember those human infinities we've experienced? Isn't it great to experience those every day?"
Zyra hugged Rolph and begged him to stay with her. But Rolph resisted.
"How many times will I have to tell you to stop imagining impossible things? You and I, we will never be like them. We will never be a couple like what you have imagined. And I'm sorry for that. I can't give you what you want Zyra. We never had a romantic history to be remembered. What we had is all just a set-up. Just a freaking experiment! I don't wanna hear all of these again. I don't wanna hear you asking questions about our so-called 'romantic history' when in fact we didn't have it in the first place. I'm sick of all these stuff. Please leave me alone. I want to experience life on my own. To tell you frankly, I don't want commitments. Let's stop this. I'm over it."
"Rolph, what happened to the old you? Have you forgotten the sweet, kind and gentle Rolph whom I used to talk and laugh things with?"
"Things change Zyra. People change. And I'm changing for good. Now if you can't accept me for who I am now, mind as well forget our friendship."
"I don't need your friendship anyway. I have many friends already. Friends whom I can count on every time I'm in happiness and distress. Not like those 'friends' who will just use me as a compliance for their project. I have them. Now if you don't want me to be part of your life anymore, then so be it. If I can't have you as my romantic partner, mind as well forget me."

Rainy Kiss (the last drop)
Teen FictionThe moment you believe that love is not about losing or winning. It is just a few moments in time, followed by an eternity of situations to grow from.