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Ok I know I'm a very bad updater. But I'm really sorry I'll stop being my lazy self and update sooner.. SHORT CHAPTER on the way!


So here is a change with the character (suggested by my sis)

Justin Bieber as Aaron Cooper

And making it more realistic Taylor Swift as Emily ;P get it Selena and Taylor

Here it is!


Ms. Riley Parker soon to be Mrs. Cooper will be bound to some rules in her relationship with Mr. Aaron Cooper blah... blah... blah... feeling restless I skipped to the part with the rules.

1. Will not be given any rights to interfere in business decisions. (Wasn't going to waste my smart opinions in helping them.)

2. Will keep up the status of the family in all public meetings

3. Will not speak to me (the devil) unless it's very urgent (srsly? He could have just told me this. Who wants to speak with him anyways)

4. Breakfast should be set according to my favorites and being my wife you will make it. (wouldn't make a thing for him)

5. Being a smartass won't work so don't even waste your time arguing (Ya right!)

6. You will sleep on the couch or the floor. Your choice. (Never!)

He could have just told me all this rather than printing all this in a sheet. This is so kiddish! I expected a much more mature one!

And he wanted me to sign this!

I walked into his room without knocking and there he was adjusting his black buttoned up shirt in front of the mirror.

"What the hell is this? So kiddish!" I threw the papers his face. But what surprised me was he didn't get angry or annoyed he just stood there smiling.

He put his hands gently on my shoulders and said "Oh my dear wife, I wrote this down so that this little brain of yours wouldn't forget that all this is a business deal and cannot be true. I will never give up my luxurious life being single. Hope you understand all what I said now please sign these papers."

I was hurt but more than that angry. The truth of life was shattering me and I couldn't do anything to save it. I put my hand out asking him for a pen and signed the papers. As I was about to leave he stopped me.

"These are not the only rules I will add many more. Just so you know the seventh one would be knock the door whenever you enter the room, I need my privacy. And yes! It's not only my company whose benefiting from this it's even your family."

Seeing my confused expression he reminded me of the 25 lakhs his father was giving my parents and then I remembered the conversation my parents had in the living room.

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