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Aiden looked confused with my sudden action and stared at me with a questioning look until he spotted Aaron coming in and rolled his eyes. Aaron entered the AV room, "What are you doing with him?" he asked me irritation evident in his voice.

I felt Aiden getting up to answer him but I put a hand over his arm and smiled at Aaron. "Oh! We were just chilling, I was really bored so I dragged Aiden to watch a movie." I said with an overly fake sweet smile

This got Aaron to get even more irritated. "Well, you don't need to spend any time with him, make sure you get it into your pretty little head of yours." He said through gritted teeth

"Oh how sweet, you called my head pretty! And by the way my pretty little head knows who I should hang around with and who to avoid" he huffed and walked out the room

Aiden looked at me amused and I couldn't help but roll my eyes and ask "What? Why are you staring at me like that?" he laughed and said "You have started rolling your eyes a lot these days huh?" I laughed resisting the urge to roll my eyes again

"Ok let's go it's time for dinner" I said getting up the couch

"It's not that important you know we can just go little later" he said looking up at me

"No come on! You're not getting shouted at by anyone and my parents won't get a chance to taunt me" I said pulling Aiden up by his arm

He stood up and pouted and I must tell you'll that was the cutest site I have ever seen!

"Ok! I don't have the mood to get shouted at either" he said holding my hand and leading me out the AV room.

Entering the dining room both of us sat down beside each other. "Never in history have I ever been early for dinner" Aiden said looking proud which made me giggle.

Before I could say anything Aaron entered the room and saw Aiden next to me. He walked up to us. "Aiden, move and go and sit somewhere else." Aiden didn't respond instead he took out his phone and started texting someone.

"I want to sit next to my fiancé" Aaron said in response to Aiden's actions with anger clear on his face. Aiden continued to type and pointed to the vacant seat on my right. Knowing that Aiden wouldn't move Aaron sat on my right.

And let me tell you I have never sat with two hot guys before or better, them wanting to sit next to me.

Oh shut up your no more than an average looking girl.

But why would Aaron agree to marry me?

Coz duh! It's a contract

Point! Then why did Aiden hang out with me?

Coz he has no other choice!!

Okay now that one hurt...I don't know why though

"Riley, you ok?" Alina asked me startling me out of my thoughts

"Hmm, yup I'm fine" I answered as I continued eating my food while Aiden looked at me weirdly.

The awkward silence was unbearable, the sound of spoons scraping the plates was the only thing that could be heard in the room. But that was not the problem I was trying to resist coughing. Like come on that would be embarrassing.

*cough cough*

But my life decides to embarrass me and so I start coughing hysterically. By this time everyone is staring at me like I'm crazy.

Suddenly I feel a hand patting my back while another one offers me a glass of water. Aiden. He stared at me, his hazel eyes filled with concern. As I was about to take the glass of water Aaron pushed another glass of water in my hand and glared at Aiden.

I looked around the table, all of them staring at me. My parents glaring at me and silently hinting for me to take the glass Aaron was offering. With no other choice I grabbed the glass and took a sip muttering a 'thanks'.

I felt bad for not taking Aiden's, after all he offered it to me first and was more concerned than anyone around and he looking hurt by my action didn't help my guilt at all.

I kept kicking his leg, wanting to apologize but he just sat there his jaw clenched and didn't even bother looking at me as he finished his dinner and left the room. Why was he acting as if something this big had happened, it was just a glass of water for god's sake! But I still feel bad for doing what I did to him.

And so I sat through the awfully long dinner making a mental note to go to Aiden's room later.


The silence was too much to handle. The only reason I was sitting here was because of Riley. It wouldn't want to leave her alone over here and so I was eating as slow as possible to have some reason to sit here.

Just then Riley started coughing, her face turning red. She looked so cute, her soft brown curls falling on her face as she bent down.

What the hell is wrong with me? She is marrying my brother...

But she doesn't want to

Shut up! You just met her 2 days back

And today was actually, the best day I have had in a while

*cough cough cough*

I broke out of my thoughts and started patting her back while pouring her a glass of water. She stared at me confused and happy?? I think she didn't expect anyone taking care of her or even bothered to be concerned for her.

Just then I saw mom hinting for Aaron to offer her some water while her parents actioned to take his glass. For some reason I had hope that she would choose me over him, that she would turn towards the person she thinks actually cares for her.

But all my hopes came crashing down when Riley turned away from me, taking the glass Aaron offered and sipped from it.

I was hurt, I don't know why but I was. It was just a glass of water after all but she could've drank from what I gave her right? But I think she did that just for listening to her parents. Ya that's right. But I couldn't get myself to be happy with that, I was still pretty upset though.

Riley was confused at my sudden mood change but I really didn't care anymore. She kept kicking my leg attempting to apologize I guess but I was irritated. I clenched my jaw as she continued to nudge me.

I finished my food and walked out of there after all the only reason I stayed there for longer was Riley. I decided to chill in my room for a while, and slammed the door as I stepped in.


Sorry guys, I haven't updated for long. Semester end!!! Plus it's a short chapter....

This chapter will be edited later!!

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