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1 MORE WEEK FOR MY B'DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's been a while since Aiden went in his room and here I am! In mine. Staring at the ceiling and debating if whether I should go apologize to Aiden or...not. Well I think I should, I'm sure that was enough cooling time right?

*knock knock*

I heard a faint voice, 'come in' and stepped into his room.

There he was lying with only his boxers on bed.

"What do you want Riley?" he muttered

"I'm sorry" I said while sitting down next to him on bed

"Why are you sorry, nothing happened right?!" I could see the anger boing inside him..guess that was not enough time for him to cool

"Look I really was about to take the glass from you, but my parents.." "What about your parents Riley! Look I don't want to know about whose glass were you about to take, so get out from here. I'm in no mood to talk to you and waste my time."

"I said I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. Everybody was staring at me and so I gave into the pressure and just.." I said raising my volume a bit "Anyways, why do you care huh? It was just a glass of water after all, not much to create a scene about." I got up and was ready to walk out but suddenly felt a tight grip on my hand.

Gosh he must be so angry. I turned around with my eyes tightly shut. "Look I know your angry, but I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have done that. After all you're the only person in the house who genuinely cared for me over there. I was wrong and..."

"Shhh why are you crying?" he said wiping off tears from my cheek. It was then I realized that I was crying. Me? And crying. When did I cry so easily and for what? was because I was scared to lose the only person who didn't act fake around me. Who I didn't feel ashamed to cry in front of. And whose friendship was starting to mean something to me.

"Hey, please don't cry. I'm not that angry." He said his eyes softening

"Ya, I know. I'm sorry once again and.. I swear I didn't mean to.." "Stop apologizing! I know how you're parents would have reacted and plus this was not such a big deal. I was just angry over some stupid personal problems and vented out all the anger on you. And I should be the one apologizing for being so rude."

"Is that an apology I'm hearing?" I asked sniffing and letting my amusement taking over. I wanted to ask him about the personal problems he mentioned but decided against it. After all we have known each other only for a few days and don't expect him to magically open up to me.

"Well don't get used to it" he grumbled

I laughed and wished him good night. "Hey! Uh.. I'm going for a party tomorrow. Um..would like to come with me." he stuttered

"Hmm tough to say Mr. Cooper. I will have to check my busy schedule." I said checking my invisible watch "Besides a party sounds good." I smiled while his look of amusement turned into a huge smile.

And so I walked into my room smiling like an idiot. Well I didn't think it would go this well.


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