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  Dropping the bottles and sprinting towards the direction of the screaming, Nishinoya willed his trembling legs to last him back to his and Hinata's camp. He kicked up soil and sand and grass and dead leaves crunched beneath his feet, but he was oblivious to all these sounds.
  I shouldn't have left him there. I should have known better, I should have-
  Bursting out of the bushes, Nishinoya was greeted by a pair of zombies standing over what appeared to be his kouhai. There was the corpse of a third one with a tree branch stuck through its neck, and although it was completely inappropriate, Nishinoya couldn't suppress the feeling of pride he had for Hinata.
  "Get out of the way!" Nishinoya hollered, darting forth like a bullet and crashing into the first zombie, sending it toppling into the second one. The three of them fell to the ground together as Hinata got up, his eyes wild. One of the zombies had been crushed by its companion's and Nishinoya's combined body weight, with blood oozing out of its mouth. But the other one was still alive, and it turned on Nishinoya, and, with dirty fingernails, scratched his right eye, giving the most fearsome battle cry that Hinata had ever heard.
  Nishinoya screeched in pain, and managed to spring back just as the zombie was about to strike again. The zombie's miss gave Hinata an opening, and the orange-haired boy kicked off the ground with all his might, barreled into the last zombie, and the impact was so great that both of them rolled over and over on the ground. Then Hinata adjusted his grip and had the zombie pinned.
  Fatal mistake.
  The zombie was taller and heavier than him, and it flipped around, reversing their roles instantly. Hinata was now lying with his back against the muddy earth, and he stared wide-eyed at the drooling zombie above him. At the red eyes, at the pale, grotesque, ruined skin. The zombie licked its lips, leaving slobber all over its mouth, and it raised a hand in a feral manner, preparing to bring it down upon Hinata's jugular. Never had fingernails seemed so deadly.
  Hope drained out of Hinata in an instant. There was no Nishinoya to save him now, he was in too much pain over his wounds. Shutting his eyes, Hinata could only hope that his death would be quick.


Nishinoya swooned for the pain, clutching his bleeding eye with one hand and willing it to stop dripping blood. His eye hadn't been gouged out, so that was good...relatively, and he could probably still save the vision, but it might leave a scar. Whatever.
  Limping with exhaustion and agony, Nishinoya hobbled forth as quickly as he could.
  If Hinata died, it would've been all his fault. He should never have left him, he would never forgive himself if Hinata died.
  These thoughts lent him strength as he peered down the gentle slope where Hinata and the zombie had tumbled.


Hinata squinted his eyes shut, heart hammering against his ribcage and threatening to burst out of his chest.

Then he heard a sickening crunch.

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