Siblings love

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It's been one week since it all happened. One week since my brother had applied for his university studies in New York. And one week since I started working. I've been managing pretty well ever since I poured hot soup on my customer. My manager was very pleased with my efficient work. Well it's pretty sad how I can't call my friends, still haven't paid my bills. Mom and Dad have lately been shopping and buying my Brother all sorts of things he needs for his Three years in New York. My Brother had to leave this Friday, so I have less than a week to spend with him. My brother is out to visit his friends as he won't be seeing them for the next three years. But I had to spend more time with him as well. I don't know how I would survive without him around. Shifu visited my Brother yesterday and gave him some kind of water which is known to give him strength and confidence. I really don't know what I am going to do without that one person whom I always relied on. I just can't be working or visiting Shifu. I knew my parents were up to something. Well now the point is, my Brother is going to be gone, for Long. I had to treasure every remaining amount of time I had with him. Just when I was thinking of all these stuff someone opened the front door. I was at the dining table just staring at the door. This really tall man wearing a Cap walked in. Who the hell was he ? Where's his manners? You don't just walk in to people's house like that. He looked like he hasn't changed his clothes for quite a bit. They were torn. He looked like some Spanish dude.
"Ma'am?" He yelled out loud like as though he was going to fight.
"Uhmm.. Do I look invisible to you?" I let out a stern Whisper he couldn't have heard me. "I'm sorry. Is Mdm Rebecca at home?"
"Give me a minute.." I hated this. I hated when someone had to see my parents then I have to get them. I always hated this. I went up to my Mother's room and yelled "Mom some Spanish guy is here to see you..". My Mom slammed open her room door and ran to the stairway to take a look. "Oh Adelmo! What are you doing here?! Ok let's talk outside" she kind of barked at him like how she would do it at me. Then she pulled him out and slammed the door as usual. Now something is really getting on my nerves. Why is my mom so bothered about his visit? I mean usually guys come to see her claiming they want opportunities to work as Photographers for her. So shouldn't he be one of them? Why was Mom so angry with him? Was she trying to cheat on my Father? Nope that couldn't happen not even in my dreams. Or was she planning something for me? What on earth. Well right now I was more bothered about my brother who said he'll be back in two hours to spend time with me, who isn't here yet. It's been like two and half hours.

I just decided to get some juice, so I opened the fridge door. Then I saw Lemonade. I took it out and poured it into a glass. Just when I was about to take my first sip,the front door opened once again. This time round it was not any Spanish dude. This guy is very familiar and he's about to leave me forever. Who else could it be? My lovely Brother.

"Hey was it too Long?" He asked like as though it wasn't.
"Nahh why don't you go spend more time with them.. Leaving your Sister alone for longer.." I said. He smiled at me.

"Ok lets go upstairs. I found something that you'd like."

I abandoned my lemonade.

And so we went up to his room. His room was the messy lot. Of course it's because he's leaving soon. Half of his things were already packed in boxes. Some were going to be donated.

"I was clearing stuff yesterday, you know.. Then I found this precious memories.." He pulled out an album. It says "Siblings Love". It was a secret photo album my brother and I had. It had tonnes and tonnes of images of me and him. But mostly me. This was really because my parents didn't have any albums for me. They never took pictures of me. So my brother called Uncle Jake who was a photographer to bring us out some day. And take many pictures of us. Uncle Jake knew about my parents , especially about his Sister. So he promised to keep this a secret. It was such a memorable day. He collated all the photos into an album and asked us to name it. So we called it," Siblings Love".

"This is our memories together.." He whispered.
"Yea" I said while staring at it. So fast everything had to change. We grew up real fast and now we were going to be separated.

I slowly grabbed hold of that precious memory and flipped it slowly.
Every picture had a story behind it. My Brother and I sat on his bed and went through the pictures.

"Oh remember that! You pushed me when I tickled you with a grass..your face though!!" And my Brother started laughing. I laughed along with him.

We went through every picture slowly recollecting the memories. From the bench , to the tree, the river, the birds and everything. We just sat there and laughed and laughed all day.

After about an hour or so we closed the album.
"I'm leaving this precious memories with you.. I will take just one photo along with me, so that I feel that my little Sister is with me." He smiled and handed the precious little thing on my arms, while removing one of our picture together.

"I'll safeguard it.." I held it close to my chest.
It was a sad moment for the two of us.
Tears were already pouring from my eyes. I hugged my Brother tight. He surrounded his arms around me.
" It's ok Julie . Everything will be fine." He said.
No nothing is going to be fine. Without my Brother around everything is going to be worst. Horrible. My parents were up to something. That's for sure. I felt like holding on to my Brother. Never letting him go. I felt like yelling, screaming. Telling him that I need him. I just need him to stay. But I couldn't. I didn't want him to spoil his future for me. He couldn't always be with me anyways. He had to get married someday. Then he had to leave. This three years will just be a practice for me. For me to know what it feels like to be without him.

I slowly got up from my Brother's chest. I didn't want him to know what's burning in my heart. I fake a smile and said," You know, just gonna miss you.. That's why.. The tears."

"I'd miss you too. My little Sister. But we'll FaceTime ok?"
"Sure.." I replied.

It was lunch already so we went to the kitchen to get something to eat. My parents weren't around so I could eat with my brother peacefully. Mom never came back after pulling out that Spanish guy. Whatever she's up to.

"Wanna go out?"
"Sure." I answered.

My Brother and I went to a park. This wasn't any sort of park. It was the park we always went to when we were young. It was the park that was in the album.

We took a seat on the bench and just endured nature for a moment.
"Once I'm gone everything will change, you'll be lonelier." His face became sad again. "Oh please not like it's new.. I'll be fine. Plus I'm working now ." I answered trying to sound as confident as I could.
"I can see a shake while you say that.." And my brother always found out.
"Come on.. I'm telling you I'll be fine!" I tried to sound more convincing.
"Little sis, a free advice from your Brother. If you feel that Mom and Dad are going to do something really horrible to you, then just run away from home. Come to New York." He smiled. He passed me his hostel address. My Brother was right. I should just go and find him if I know something is wrong.

Together we spent the rest of the day in the most pleasant way. We went shopping and I chose for my Brother all sorts of clothes, bags, winter outfits. Then I bought him something.

" Close your eyes bro, " I said while we were in a restaurant eating.

My Brother slowly shut his eyes and stayed calm.

"Open now.."

Once he opened his eyes I gave him a hat. On the hat there were tiny wordings,'Best Brother' . My Brother was so happy when he saw the hat. He started trying it on. Then when he almost forgot he said,"Thank you!! And you are the best Sister."

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