Chapter 7

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So last chapter was a bit of a cliffhanger I thought. :) This chapter is mostly all drama. I am having so much fun writing this story and it's coming to me so quickly and easily. I hope it keeps goin gthe way it is. I have some good ideas what I want to do with it it's just geting to the point where I can use my ideas. Thank you for everyone who is reading. I appreciate it. I love seeing that number of reads number going up. :) Though I'd love it if I got more comments and votes. Anyways Thank you for reading.



“Rae?” Carlie asks quietly.

I can see Angela out of the corner of my eye standing in the same position I am in. Mouth hanging open and not really sure what to say. I love this woman. I want to tell her this. To form the words and let them come out of my mouth. Yet I am so shocked that she feels the same way I do that I can’t do it.

The smile that was on her face droops into a frown. I see the happiness leave her face, yet I still can’t make my voice work. All I can

 do is stare at her.

She drops her hands off of my arms.

“Rae?” She asks again.

I still can’t form words to respond. My mind is screaming at me to tell her that I love her too. But my body won’t react. Carlie then steps out of the apartment into the hallway.

“Alright. I guess that’s your answer then,” Carlie says looking very depressed.

She turns and leaves the building.

“RAE!” Angela screams at me what seems like hours later.

I finally snap out of it.

“What?” I ask.

“Go chase her! She just left! She sounded so bummed out. She just confessed her love for you and all you did was stand there and stare at her like a fucking idiot! Go chase the woman! She’s probably the best thing that has ever happened to you! GO!” Angela screams at me shoving me out the door and throwing flip flops at me.

I throw the shoes on my feet and run into the parking lot. I look around for Carlie’s car. It’s nowhere in sight. I grab my phone out of my waistband and dial her number. It goes straight to voicemail.

I begin walking down the road. I then realize that I don’t know where she lives. I know she lives close to me but I don’t know where. I think back to the other night. How far away did she say she was? Four blocks? Five blocks? Something like that.

I think about the layout of the town. East there is shopping four blocks away. West there is one little house and gas stations. North there are apartment buildings. And south there is nothing.

I decide to walk north first. I get to the apartment complex and walk through every parking lot looking for her car. I don’t find it. Then I walk back to my place and stop to tell Angela what I’m doing. Then I go check out the little house. There is no one there so I am not sure if it is hers or not.

I go over to the gas station and go inside. I get a pop and go up to the counter to pay for it. There is a middle aged man running the place. I decide to try  my luck.

“Sir do you know who lives in the little house across the street?” I ask him.

“Yeah. I know her. What’s it to you?” he asks.

“I’m looking for a friend of mine and I just know that she lives about four or five blocks from me. I didn’t see her car the other directions and I am thinking that she might live there,” I say hoping and praying that this man will be nice and help me out.

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