Chapter 2

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The first half of classes went very quickly. Carlie was teaching keyboarding which was basically a blow off class for me because I was almost to the point to pass and it was only the first class. I decided to stay in the class so that I could hang out with Angela. It seemed that keyboarding no sooner started when it was break time before our drawing class.

I wondered outside and sat on the benches where the smokers were. I just wanted to be outside because it was such a beautiful day. Five minutes after I sat down Carlie came out and looked around while she lit her Newport. She spotted me. I gave her a smile. She came over and sat next to me.

Neither of us said anything to the other. Yet the silence was a comfortable one. I could feel my heart racing with her being so close to me. I think it was worse because she knew how I felt. She knows that I think she is attractive. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“You alright?” Carlie asks me.

“Yeah fine. I want to get out of here now that classes are halfway over,” I say with a smile.

“Am I really that bad?” she asks.

“No. You’re fine. You’re doing great. I just want to go get a drink,” I tell her.

Then it’s time to go back to class so everyone filters back into the school leaving their cigarette butts in the ashtray or the bucket near the door.

When I  walk into the room with Carlie Angela of course notices and gives me a big shit eating grin.

I sit down beside her.

“So what’s up with that?” She asks quietly.

“Nothing. I was outside. She came outside to smoke and we didn’t really say much to each other. We still going out after class?” I ask needing a drink now.

“Of course we are. Where are we going?” Angela asks.

“I was thinking maybe over to High Octane?” I ask waiting for conformation.

“I should have known. I sometimes think we need to find a new club to frequent. Most of the bartenders don’t even need to ask what we want when we go in there,” Angela says.

Then she goes silent and gets back to listening as do I.

Suddenly I feel that I am being watched. I turn toward Angela. She is staring at me with her eyes wide open and a grin on her face.

“What?” I whisper.

The smile gets wider. “You should see if she wants to go,” She says gesturing towards Carlie at the desk.

“I doubt she’s allowed to do that. But I’ll ask her after class. Once everyone leaves,” I tell Angela and go back to listening not that drawing is much to listen to.

We spend the rest of the class going over techniques of drawing and different tools used. Before I know it it’s time to leave.

I’m nervous about asking Carlie if she wants to go because I am almost positive that she is not allowed to socialize with students. Yet a part of me is hoping that she’ll agree to meet us there and pretend like it’s a coincidence because I want to get to know her better.

 I go up to her desk and she is leaned over digging in her bag. I clear my throat.

She looks up. “What’s up Rae?” She asks.

I feel myself blush. She smiles at me.

“So, I know you’re probably not allowed to, but Angela and I are going over to High Octane for a few drinks and were wondering if you wanted to join us,” I ask.

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