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​They were hidden just outside the city. Dave took a breath and looked back at his men. He'd taken Joe and Larry. Bono was with Ryan and Brad. They would be attacking the buildings while Dave and his group went to the prisons to free Mike. That was the plan. They waited until they heard the first explosion and then they started running. There were screams and sirens were going off. Soldiers were appearing everywhere and Dave didn't hesitate to shoot them down. Joe and Larry were covering his back as they went sprinting down the street.

​"Bono said the prison was one of the closer buildings to the main one," Joe called, "There is like a direct hallway from the main building to the prisons."

​"If they're smart, they'll have Chester out tracking down Bono and the others," Larry said, "That means the lesser elites will be guarding the prison."

​"Alright. We'll keep a look out for Chester."

​They ran down the street when they were met with another group of people. Dave swallowed as he saw they were all armed. The people however smiled at them.

​"You must be Captain Farrell, you're like an idol to all rebels. I'm Benjamin. This is Aaron, Keith, Jasen, and Shaun."

​"You're rebels?" Larry asked in surprise and the man nodded.

​"We sent a message to you guys telling you that you had extra support here once you got here."

​"We have friends running around the capitol campus blowing things up. Can you get there to help?"

​"Of course. I'll take Aaron and Jasen with me. Keith and Shaun will stay with you guys for extra support."

​Dave nodded his thanks and the three of them ran up towards the main street. He turned to Keith and Shaun.

​"Do you guys know a good way to break into prison?"

​"Of course we do," Shaun said and Keith nodded.

​"Yea. If you follow us, we'll take you right inside. Are you rescuing Mike?"

​"Yea," Dave said. He didn't question how they knew his name. Mike had been broadcasted for anyone who was watching. They began their journey up the streets, firing at any government officials who showed themselves. Keith was leading them through the streets while Shaun stayed in the back. It was going well. Everyone was focused on the huge explosions going on in the square. But then their easy going journey was over. A man stood in front of them with a smirk on his face. He was blonde and was wearing a gauntlet.

​"Is that who I think it is?" Keith called back to Shaun.

​"Oh yea," Shaun muttered, "Yea watch out guys. This guy isn't too much fun to get involved with."

​"We've dealt with our fair share of elites," Dave said as he aimed his gun.

​"Chester Bennington, I know. But this guy, he's different."

​As he said those words, the man in front of them switched his gauntlet on and there wasn't just one of him anymore. There were ten. And they were all aiming guns.

​"I see what you mean," Dave said as he shot the first one to come at him but the illusion just turned to dust.

​"We have to find the right one. The difference will just be subtle," Keith called as he searched and then fired at one of the clones. As soon as he shot, the clone leapt out of the way. "Watch him."

​Joe was shooting at the clones who were just fading out of existence to just be replaced by new ones. This was not even a fair fight.

​"Who is this guy?" Larry asked as he fired at one of the imaginary figures.

​"His name is Jeremy Hummel, he used to be part of our group until he became a traitor," Shaun growled. They ducked around one of the clones and then he heard a shout. One of the figures was grabbing his arm where a bullet was lodged in his armor. The man growled at them and shot, nailing Keith in the leg. Dave shot his own gun at Jeremey but the man dove out of the way. Keith was down and Shaun was standing over him, shooting at any enemy who got close. Jeremy appeared again and twisted his gauntlet. The clones vanished and he stood there with just his men.

​"Why would he draw back when he had the advantage?" Joe asked.

​"I don't know," Dave muttered as he shot down one of the soldiers. Jeremy fired his own gun and then held his hand to his head.

​"What is wrong with him?" Larry asked as he shot one of the soldiers. Dave glanced at the blonde guy who was kneeling on the ground now and he gasped.

​"Wait," he grabbed Shaun's gun to stop him from shooting the man, "He's not a traitor."

​"What do you mean?" Shaun snapped, "He shot Keith."

​"He'd do anything when given an order. That's what Mark does to people. Kill the soldiers!"

​They destroyed the soldiers who were confused without a leader. When they were done, Dave slowly approached the blonde guy who was kneeling on the ground, pressing his forehead to the cold stone and gripping his hair. He watched in shock as the platinum blonde hair slowly faded away to a dirty blonde color.

​"Are you alright?" he whispered. Jeremy glanced up at him.

​"Who are you?"

​"A rebel," Dave said, "Your friends are here too."

​Jeremy glanced over to where Shaun was kneeling next to Keith, "Is he alright? I shot Keith."

​"I think he'll be alright," Dave said, "Come on."

​Jeremy followed him over to the group where Shaun glared at him.

​"You better hope he survives this."

​"You know I never would've done this....I don't know why I did."

​"I do," Larry said, "It was the president. He captured you and took you from your group. He gave you a drug that acts like amnesia. He hid all of your old memories and replaced them with new ones."

​"How do you know?" Jeremy asked.

​"Because it happened to Mike, one of our friends. He hates the government with every part of his body but they were using him as some pawn."

​"How did I escape it?"

​"I'm not sure. Usually, you're reminded by one thing that you remember. What did you remember about the old world?"

​"I don't know.....I just remembered that I had a friend who got hurt."

​"There you go," Larry said confidently, "Then when you shot Keith, it triggered that memory and everything else came back. You're back to who you were before."

​Shaun got up from where he'd bandaged Keith's leg up and hugged Jeremy, "I'm glad you're back."

​"Yea me too."

​"Uh guys, not to be rude," Joe said with a small grin, "But we need to get to the prisons."

​"Right," Shaun nodded, "But we can't leave Keith. I'll stay with him. Jeremy, lead them to the prisons."

​"Okay. There's an abandoned house just down the street where we were hiding. You should be safe there."

​Shaun nodded and helped Keith up. They started their walk while Jeremy motioned for them to follow him. Dave nodded at the other two and they followed the blonde guy up the street. The explosions got louder and soon they were standing in the square. He watched as he saw a not only amazing, but truly awesome sight. He watched Bono, Ryan, and Brad running from building to building, hurling grenades inside and then sprinting away, letting the stone blow up. As it flew through the air, they would shoot at any government officials trying to flee the scene by using the fallen stones as cover. Benjamin, Jasen, and Aaron were posted at different entrances to the square, firing at the soldiers who tried to either escape, or come in and help.

​"This way!" Jeremy called as he ran to the left. Dave followed after him as they headed towards the prison. There weren't a lot of guards since they'd been drawn out by the explosions from Bono and his team. Jeremy pressed his gauntlet against a place in the wall and smiled slightly. "Bet you're glad you have me."

​"Yes," Dave admitted as they were allowed access to the prison.

​"Now you're guy is the one they've been using on the screen?"


​"Alright. Well then, he'll be down pretty low. I'd say at least four levels."

​"How many people are in here?"

​"Not that many. But the ones they need to keep safe are the ones they put lower down."

​"Let's go," Dave said. Ryan had given him the picture of Mike's family so he could trigger the reverse of the drug. Jeremy smiled slightly.

​"I told you I would lead you to the prison, but I must get back to Shaun and Keith. Good luck. I will see you when this is over."

​"Thank you for getting us here," Dave said, "And you will be pardoned. You were under the influence of a drug. It is not your fault what you did."

​"Thank you," Jeremy nodded before running out. Dave motioned for Joe and Larry to follow him.

​"Alright. Let's find Mike."

​They headed through the dark building with the flashlights they had taped to their guns. It was pitch black and they ended up tripping on lots of things. There was no one in the cells at all. He sighed as they moved down the steps and arrived on the fourth floor. This is where Jeremy had said they would most likely keep him.

​"Look in every cell," Dave whispered and the other two nodded. They hurried through the halls, checking every cell but there was no one. Until they got to the last one. And there he was.

​"Mike," Dave said quietly. Mike was sitting on the floor. Dave slowly knelt down and took the picture out of the backpack he was carrying. He slowly pushed it through the bars. He shined the flashlight on it and he saw Mike's eyes glance down at it for a second. A second was all it took. Mike gasped and leaned back against the wall, his hands coming up to grip his hair. Joe and Larry were standing guard behind him. Dave opened the cell door and hurried to Mike's side.

​"D-Dave?" Mike managed as he clenched his teeth.

​"It's me. We're here to rescue you."

​"Where's everyone else?"

​"They're outside blowing things up. Come on, we need you to help with the final battle."

​"Chester....is he still alive?" Mike asked softly.

​"As far as I know," Dave said softly. Mike nodded and tears ran down his face.


​Dave helped Mike up and they headed towards the door but Mike stopped them.

​"Wait, there's one thing I need to do first."

​"What is it?"

​"I heard Mark talking about special prisoners. They're two levels below us. We have to rescue them."

​"Okay. We'll go."

​"It's good to have you back Mike," Joe said as he gave the young man a hug. Mike hugged him back and then shook Larry's hand.

​"Now, let's go fight back," he said. Dave nodded. Joe was right. It was good to have Mike back.

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