chapter 12-the past comes forth

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😇Nichole's point of view😢

After lessons we went back to the dorm. Blake was silent the whole way back there until we walked into the dorm room "What happened this morning"
I didn't answer I walked in and say on my bed in silence.

"Nichole I have been worrying all day please talk to me"

"Are you sure" Blake just nodded "I grew up with Justin we were best friends. I started liking him when I was round 8 and when we turned 10 he asked me out and from that day we were dating, when we were round 12 he started getting violent like when my mother did when she had a bit to drink" I couldn't hold the tears back and Blake held my hand "umm, he used to beat me when he got angry he broke a few of my ribs and my arm around when I was 14- and when I hit 15 he tried to rape me but didn't manage to,so he went on a binge with drugs and alcohol, then he met this girl-" all I did was cry harder " and he raped her or had sex and she got pregnant but I never knew about it and when I found out I was accepted in to this collage I was so happy I told my mom and my brothers upset her and she blamed me and she slapped me across my face." I sighed and carried on but couldn't stop crying "them I met my boyfriend and told him and he was happy for me, then his phone rang when he was in his kitchen and he told me to answer and it said this girls name on the screen 'annie' and when I answered the first thing she said was that she had the baby then I finally spoke and I said who I was and asked who she was and she said his girlfriend who just gave birth"
"Oh sweetheart"
"He came into the room and took the phone off me and talked to her for a second hang up and punched me in the chest I got away and told him it was over and never speak so me and then a couple of months later I came here"

😠Blake's point of view👊

When she told me her story she couldn't stop crying and I just held her.
"I am going to kill him"
" Don't do anything that will get you in trouble "
"Okay,why don't I take your mind off it"
"Ok, but don't you want to ask why he called me a virgin"
"Yh, I wanna know but if you don't want to talk about it any more that's fine"
"We'll I'll tell you I was a virgin before coming here but I'm not anymore and I don't mind"

After we talked a bit more we decided to put a film on and eat popcorn. When half way through it Nichole fell asleep so I turned everything off and went to bed too

(Sorry it took so long but plz like and comment what you think you will make my say)

Shannon xx

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