A New Deal // 3

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"Radely. I need a favor."

I sighed and put down my pen."What now, I'm busy?"

"It's a new contact." He smiled over the other end of the phone. "What is it Derek?" I say, slightly interested.

His raspy voice came on again. "An old friend wants to meet up."

I roll my eyes and walk towards my closet. "What type is it?" He chuckled. "I'm presume you're packing already." I smile. "Derek you're a crazy bastard. But yes, I am."

He laughs on the other end. "Please don't flatter me darling. I've been called worse, but a man you might be familiar with needs a sniper." He said in a sing-song voice.

"I'm vaguely familiar with a lot of people."

He sighed. "So sassy. I'm surprised I let you go, you could come back and train some kiddos?"

"Derek I'm not interested for the thousandth time." I state flatly. He clicks his tongue. "That's really too bad. But anywho, don't pack just yet. Meet them at 1586 Davenport Lane in a hour."

I hung up. What is he thinking? Why would I train more kids to be monsters. What an idiot.

Twenty minutes later I walked out of my apartment dressed in a blazer and black skinny jeans. As usual.

Finding my way around DC had been easy for most of my life, well the 5 free years of it.

By the time I arrive from walking it's 5 minutes before two. I sit down and open yesterday's newspaper. Instead of reading it my eyes dart around looking for my contact. Thankfully my photographic memory never seems to fail me.

I walk over to a man in an sharp trimmed suit that was sitting down on the bench. I look over to him: he acknowledges my presence by letting a smile slip past his lips.

"Hello Radely." He looks over to me, his blue eyes pierce into mine.

"Hello Raymond."

He claps his hands and leans towards my face. "Aha, have you been out in the sun lately? Your face looks absolutely stunning with those minuscule freckles." I raised both of my eyebrows at him, looking annoyed.

"What's the problem Mr. Reddington?" I asked. In return I got a laugh and a shake of his head. "Can't I just come and visit a dear friend."

"Reddington let's get this straight; you're my employer not my friend or buddy. Okay? We're strictly business." I inform him. "You've grown my confident." He states.

"A lot changes in 7 years."

He laughed and nodded his head thoughtfully. "I'm sorry-"

"Just tell me who you want me to kill already." I said.

"Fine, if I must." He said.

I waited for him. "Red. What is it?"

He looked at me. His eyes bore deep into mine. "The Cabal."

"Let me put your mind at ease, I'm never telling you everything."
-Raymond Reddington

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