Shellburne Falls // 10

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I woke up in the middle of the night sweating. It had been a week since Reddin- Dad told me. My hair stuck to my forehead and my heart was beating out of my chest. Relax it was just a stupid dream. I heard voices outside in the living room. I may be 24 but I am damn sure a 15 year old eavesdropper.

I silently threw off the covers and went out to the living room. "Yes Gina, I understand. But he was volatile and could not support either of you. Thank you- yes- okay goodbye, the money will be in your account by tomorrow."

He snapped the flip phone shut and ran his fingers through his cropped hair. He sighed and got up, I dashed under the table. "Radely come out."

I remained under controlling my breathing. "Radely." I continued to stay under the table, maybe he'll think he was hallucinating. "Radely Josephine Chloe come out now."

I rolled my eyes and crawled out so only my head was sticking out. "Don't scold me like an adolescent child."

" Radely, go back to bed."

"You associate yourself with that bitch?"

"Don't speak to me like that." I crawled the rest of the way until I was standing face to face with him. "You're still shorter than me." He smirked. "Not fair, you're wearing heels."

"And you're not?" He smirked. "Not funny Dad, I don't wear them. They're sowed to my skin."

He muttered something in my ear. "Oh my god, that's nasty."

"What can I say I'm just as sane as Hannibal." I smirked. "You're a lunatic." He smiled but then it soon ceased. "What was your nightmare about?" My mouth parted. How did he know? "Mom, please tell me."

He shook his head. "No." I glared at him. "Why? That's all I want to know." He rolled his eyes. "You need to learn the difference between want and need." He scolded my like a child. "I'm going back to bed." I say as I walk back to my bedroom. "We're going to leave in 5 hours be ready to answer any questions."


"Name?" The blond man asked.

"Radely Josephine Chloe Reddington." I say, paying no attention at all. "Look at me."

"Look at me when I'm talking to you damnit!" He slammed his fist down on the table. "Yes." I look up at him innocently. "Listen Radely, all I want to do is ask you some questions. Okay?" He said, regaining composure.


He smiled and grabbed a box. "This is the information we have on you."

"It's a box of folders." I smirked. "It's a scare tactic you imbeciles use, you write the persons name on the side and place empty folders in it."

He laughed. "You're smart kid, I'll give you that, but not as smart as us." He grabbed a folder from the table and layer pictures in front of me. "Recognize them?"

I rolled my eyes and looked at the glass. "Really Red, really. How can you cooperate with these morons?"

Ressler snapped. "Look at me kid, we're actually getting along pretty good. Don't screw it up."

"Answer me this Donald; how old are you?" He rolled his eyes and sighed. "If I tell you will you look at the pictures?" I nodded. "36."

"So that means you're 12 years older than me." I smiled innocently. "24." He muttered. "And my astrological sign is an Aries." He grinned. "Please take your time with the photos."


"This is Gina Zanetakos, that's Jacob Phelps, Dembe, and Luli."

"You left out the last two's last names. Why? Is it because you know them personally?"

"I know all of them personally. I think I've answered enough questions for today." I stood up, the handcuffs dropped to the floor. "How-"

"A magician never tells."

I walked out the door and found three people waiting for me besides Dad. "Can we go now?"

He nodded and smiled. "Be good Aram." He winked at the man beside me. "Ignore him, he's a lunatic." I said to Aram.

I walked out to the car where Dembe was waiting. "How was it?" I shrugged, still angry from this morning. Red came and sat down next to me. "Dembe we need to go to Massachusetts, please."

He turned around and raised his eyebrows at him. "Yes Dembe, you know the place."

He nodded and sped off. "Can you turn on some music Dembe?" I asked

"What would you like to listen to?"

"Anything." I replied. I could see Re- Dad smile out of the corner of my eyes. Where was he taking us? Dembe knows the place so it has to be important.

About two hours later I see a sign with Shelburne Falls with a population of 1,879. "Dad, where are we?" He didn't answer but the painful look on his face told me. We were stared at when we drive by. A farm town with Yankees. We started to drive up a gravel path into the woods until we reached a cabin.

"You're mother- Margaret was raised here and this is the town you were born in. I figure you're old enough to see it." I smiled at him, he actually trusted me enough to take me here.

"Dembe and I will get the bags from the trunk, why don't you go on inside." He handed me the keys and left the car.

"You see, this is why I don't go to family reunions. Aunt Lucille is always arguing with Buddy, Uncle Scott is drunk by noon, and someone's hand is always in the wrong cookie jar."

Authors Note: Shelburne Falls is a real place, it's where The Judge was filmed (I'm pretty positive). In 2010 was 1,731 so I added some people since its 2016.

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