Are You My Father // 8

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I watched Jacob leave her apartment and walk down the street. Now or never!

"Excuse me, sir!" I called to him. He turned around. "I was wondering if you could help me, you see my car has broken door over there. And I just can't figure it out, could help me?" I asked innocently. He smiled, and boy was it charming. "Yeah sure, where is it?"

"I feel so stupid and helpless right now, but I just got out of college and didn't pay attention to what my brother told me." I laughed at myself as he worked on the car. I saw Reddington's men walk towards us and a van screeched up to us.


I sat on the floor reading a book trying to ignore the profanities shouted in the room next door.

I was currently reading a book in the living room while Dembe was cooking for us. "Radely if you want you can leave, you know." I smiled at him, he was always my favorite between Luli. "Thanks Dembe, but I can handle it. It's nothing I haven't heard before." Or did before. I added silently.

I walked around the living room of the new safe house. "How's your daughter?" I asked, changing the subject.

"She's well and so is my granddaughter." He said.

"Congratulations!" I said, amazed. "It's been that long, hasn't it?"

My fingers absentmindedly dust the dust off from the fireplace.

"Radely, it's ready."

We are in silence, except for the screaming and interrogation going on in the room next door. "What does he want from him?" I ask quietly, afraid Reddington still might hear.

Dembe shrugged. I huffed, "and even if you knew you couldn't tell me. Is that right?"
He chuckled. "You remembered." I rolled my eyes and picked at my pasta. "Yeah, 'course." The torturing kept going on for another hour before Reddington and his accomplice stepped out.

My eyes flew up from my book and looked expectantly at him. "Radely, it's 11 at night, you should be in bed." I rolled my eyes, that's the first thing I hear from him not a thank you whatsoever. Ridiculous!

"That's the first thing you say to me? Really?" I snapped.

He glared.

"You promised me the truth this time Reddington." I growled. He laughed, "Certainly have don't have your mothers kindred spirit."

What the actual hell?!

"What the hell do you mean by that?" He nodded for the two to leave us. He sat down on the couch, looking exhausted he grabbed a file from a safe.

"I think you should have this." His outstretched hand handed it to me. I gently took it, afraid he had done something to it. "Don't be afraid. I wouldn't hurt you, never in a thousand years." He promised.

My head started spinning. "How- someone used to say that to me when I was a toddler, before the training." It looked like someone had slapped him across the face.

"Yes.....You remember?"

That and every other memory. "Yes Reddington; surprised?" He raised one brow. "Open it Radely, you wanted to know."

I flipped the front flap of the folder and a picture of a woman stares up at me. "Her name was Margaret Anne Daniels." He said. My eyes started to water; I brought one of my hands up to stop me from crying. "Her first true love was a boy with the last name Barnes, thus why that's your last name now.

Radely Daniels? Is that my name?

"Where is my father?"

"Your father died a long time ago, he is of no importance now." He got up and took the file from me and placed it on the coffee table. He wrapped his arms around me, then planted a kiss on my head. By now I had fully started crying. He used his thumb to make soothing circles on my back.

"Shh, it's okay. I have you." I should've wanted to break away from his hug, but instead I buried myself deeper into his chest. His cologne had a faint smell of pine but the floral smell was more prominent.

"Reddington, are you my father?"

"No, you're father died long ago."

"Are you my father?"
-The Blacklist

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