Choosing Sides // 6

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I rang the doorbell to a apartment just outside of the city. Reddington said he'd supply the gear. Dembe opened the door leading me inside. I took a deep breath. It had pictures everyone in his life.

"Wait here." Dembe said, leaving the room. I nodded and walked around. I picked up a frame with a photo with dust covered all over it. I brushed it off with my sleeve.

It was me.

It was the picture of us after we had visited Greece. I had jumped up onto Reddington's back and Dembe was sprawled out in front of us, posing. Luli was most likely taking the picture.

A smile formed it's way into my face.

Back when the days were easy.

"Don't touch what doesn't belong to you." Reddington said smugly snatching it from me. "I bought the frame, and decorated it."

He rolled his eyes and went towards the hallway. I followed him. He gave me the instructions and where I would set up. Before we left Red pulled me to the side, making sure Dembe and Liz didn't hear.

He whispered into my ear. "I want you to find Jacob Phelps and bring him to me. Alive." He strutted off to join in the car they were going in. I watched Dembe drive them off before getting into my own car.


I took a sip from my water bottle, I was on top of a roof in the middle of DC. Thankfully the Feds didn't ask questions when I showed up with Reddington. "Hey Sniper!" A CIA agent called. I rolled my eyes and sat up from my position.


"You're an ass." I said. He clicked his pen so the point was closed. "Please repeat that Comrade Reddington"

"Don't call me that." I said, taking a step closer to him.

"Comrade Reddington." He taunted.

"I said don't call me that." I said, this time I'm in his face.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you."

I raised my fist right next to his face. "I can knock you out in one blow, you wanna bet?" He smirked, "you couldn't knock me out in two."

I smirked and walked away. I had gotten what I wanted from him. A list of who was working here. For an intelligence official he sure was oblivious to pick-pockets.

As I waited for Reddington  to come into view; a man came and kneeled next to me.

"Ressler." He said.

"A person." I replied.

"We're running your facial recognition now, we'll have your name in no time."

"The FBI admits to spending 1 billion dollars on facial recognition, which means they actually spent 3 billion. If I had to pay taxes, if be enraged." I shared with him while fixing my scope.

He laughed, his face still solemn. "What, did Reddington share that with you?" I shook my head. "Common knowledge Agent Ressler, use your brain. On second thought if you had a brain you would've caught Reddington in Brussels." I smirked when I saw him stiffen even more.

He got my cue to leave.

I watched and heard as Reddington negotiated with the German. I noticed something off with the roof.

"We have company on the roof." I muttered into my hidden microphone. I saw him jerk his head.

He heard me. He snapped his fingers.

When I leave shoot them.

He shook hands with the German than exited the room. "Breach! Breach!" I heard Ressler shout from below.

I aimed carefully pretending his was a target out on the range. I slowly squeezed the trigger. The body slumped over.

Everyone's head snapped towards me.

I just shrugged and went, "Reddington's orders."

I packed up my stuff and waited downstairs for Reddington. After an hour or so he finally came and sat down next to me.

"Jacob Phelps." He said.

"I have it. Don't worry about it." He looked and me and grabbed my hand. I flinched away, but he still held my hand in a firm grasp. He started to make circles with his thumb seeing that I was uncomfortable.

"It will be a lot harder now." I looked from my feet. "What do you mean, Reddington?"

He but his lip and nodded in thought. "Jacob Phelps." I sighed, he still hasn't changed. "Do you ever answer anybody's questions?"

"I've never lied to you, Radely." He said, still holding onto my hand. "And I never will."

I rolled my eyes. "Is that what you tell everyone?"

"Only the people I care about." He replied. "You need to come stay with me."

"Why?" I asked, even I already knew the answer. He breathed heavily and checked around us for eavesdroppers. "Once you took that shot you chose your side."

"Is Derek-"

"Derek does not matter now. Do you understand me?" He went from  'relaxed' to a condescending father-figure. "Yes." I said in a small voice.

God damnit! Don't let him make you feel this way! You do not need to please him! Stop kissing his ass!

"Come on then, let's think of a plan to get Phelps."

"We're not gonna fight our way out of this. We're gonna have to think our way out." -Raymond Reddington

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