Where am I?

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Once again I was taken somewhere against my will. Once again I woke up and I was tied to yet another table. I was laying there trying to put together the pieces, which was extremely hard considering I could hardly remember anything. All I remembered was dad and T fighting. What they were fighting over was the question. This place seemed familiar, like I had been here before. As I tried to remember what had happened, I heard a faint voice. I look over and find another girl. She looked like she had been here for a while. She was dirty, her hair was tangled, and she didn't have any clothes on. She only had a thin sheet draped across her.

"Who are you?"
"Keep your voice down, you don't want him to hear you anyways I'm Kate"
"Where am I and how did I get here?"
"I don't know where we are considering I've been here for quite sometime now, but I do know who brought you here. His name's Dave, he works for T."
"Oh that explains it all. How long have you been here?"
"I've been here for a little over two months. Who are you?"
"I'm Arielle."
"Well it's nice to meet you" she said in a delightful tone
"Have you ever tried to escape?"
"Well of course I have,but I wasn't strong enough. Since there's two of us now we can definitely get out."

So far Kate seemed like a good girl. What on earth could she possibly be doing here? I wanted to trust her, but it seems like everyone I've trusted in the past either left me or they weren't who they said they were. I began to think where was my dad. Did T have him or did he get away? Why hadn't he come for me? All these questions were running through my mind when T burst through the door. His eyes were puffy and red like he'd been crying. I mean he could've been coming off of his usual high, but this face was different.

"Where is he?! What did you do to him?! For Christ sake you better not have hurt him! I swear to God if you did anything to hurt him, I will kill you!!" I yelled
"Don't you think you should loose the attitude. You and I both know exactly what I'm capable of doing. Don't worry your pretty little head about him, he's doing fine. You're the one who's gonna hurt when you find out." He said smirking at me
"What do you mean I'm gonna hurt? What do I have to find out?" I questioned suspiciously
"You'll see but in the meantime I'll have someone will take you to your room and you can show Kate how things work around here, and don't try any funny business because I'm not in the mood to play today."

We were blindfolded and lead to our room. I lay on my bed thinking. The more I thought the more familiar the room got. I knew it was part of T's house, but what room was it. It was where I was taken advantage of. I'm surprised I didn't recognize the room, I mean it was where my life officially changed forever, but something about it seemed different.

"You just gonna sit there and stare at the wall the whole time or are you gonna tell me your story?" Kate said as she interrupted my thinking
"For someone who hasn't left one room in two months you sure seem happy."
"I'm not happy about it, but why would you be angry all the time. If you stay positive good things will happen"
"I tried staying positive for as long as i could but nothing positive came so I gave up hope. Well besides that, here is my story. My name is Arielle..."
Sorry it took so long to upload a chapter, but it's summer now yay which means more uploads.

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