You're What?!!

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..."And now I'm here. Just sitting in the same room and in the exact same spot where my life changed forever. How old are you by the way?"

     "You sure have been through a lot. I just hope that we can get outta here before that can happen to me. I am fifteen I'll be sixteen next month. " said Kate

"What day next month?" I said smiling

"On the seventh." she replied

"I'll make a mental note of that. I'll make it the best birthday a girl could ever haev considering we're stuck in this place. it's gonna be unforgettable" I said

     It was finally Kate's birthday, and I woke her up by singing Happy Birthday as loud as I could right in her ear. I had snack cake that I had stolen from the Kitchen the night before as a birthday cake. I made her get up on my shoulders as I ran around the room still singing. I put her down and I danced all around the room as she doubled-over in pain from laughing so much. I sat down beside her and gave her the cake. We split the cake and just laid there laughing at nothing. That's when T burst through the door like a deranged maniac. Kate got up and ran to the corner of the room. He was shouting and saying words that most people have never heard before. I've grown a custom to his outbursts of anger but poor little Kate looked like she had just saw death and looked him straight in the eyes. I looked over at her and you could actually see her shaking. I felt bad for the poor girl. T walked over to me and got on top of me and raped me. There wasn't much I could do. While he was raping me, Kate was sitting in a ball in the corner crying her little eyes out. I felt bad that she had to witness what was happening.  After he was done, he got up looked over at Kate and said "You're next consider it as a birthday present". I knew from that point forward I had to protect her. I couldn't let anything happen to her. It was my responsibility to keep her safe. Luckily T never came back into the room.

     For the next three months, Kate and I became really close. We were basically inseparable. She was like a sister to me. We were always getting into shenanigans together. we once figured out how to get out of the cuffs T had out us in, where he hid the keys, what time he left and came back, we even figure out what part of the house he was in just by how hard the footsteps were.      

     "You know since we have figured out how to get out of these cuffs and T has been leaving us alone, it's only a matter of time before we can get out of here. I'm sure if we put our heads together, we could get out of this place." she said gazing at the ceiling

     "Well don't worry. I know this house like the back of my hand, and if anyone could escape, it's me. If I do get you out just promise me something?" I replied

"Sure, what is it, I'll do anything." she said sitting up looking at me

     "You have to promise me that when I get you out of here you won't come back for me. You will never speak of me to anyone. You'll just pretend that I never existed." I said almost crying

     "What? I can't just leave you here. You have to come with me. I know we haven't known each other long but you are like a sister to me." She said getting closer to me

     "You don't understand. I have nowhere else to go. I have no family." I said as she held me in her arms

     "You could live with me and my family. My family could buy you all new clothes and we will always be together. I will be your new family." She said crying

     "I can't just intrude on your life. You still have family looking for you and when they find you you'll be all they'll want." I said

"Well then I can't make that promise. I just can't leave you here all alone."

"You're parent's aren't gonna want to take in a random nineteen year-old girl that they don't know." I said

"You don't know that. It would literally crush my soul to know that the girl who has helped me so much and helped get through this experience is here alone."

" I won't be alone because..." I said as my heart rate increased

"Because what" she said anxiously

"Because I'm pregnant." I said avoiding all eye contact

"Are you sure? How could this happen? I mean I know how still. I don't know what to say. I mean do you know for absolute sure that you're pregnant. " she said

" Kate, look at me I have been pregnant before I know what being pregnant feels like. I am positive and besides it's not a big deal." I said

"You haven't been in the streets in over three months, how could this have happened." she questioned

"You know the first day T brought us to our rooms and he had sex with me?" I asked

"Yea, so" she said

"That's when it happened. I haven't been with anyone for about a month before him. I think he is the father." I told her

"You know how you said you've been pregnant before, what happened to the child?" she asked

"He's out there somewhere.Hopefully living a wonderful life. One night when I went out, I called over a taxi and put my baby in the backseat, gave the guy who was driving some money and told him to take him whatever you do with my baby make sure he is safe." I said fighting back the tears

"How did you hide the pregnancy?" She asked

"T wasn't around as much as he is now. It was mainly is workers that drove me to and from work." I answered

"Wow, I can't believe it. You would've been a great mother. What was his name? I can't leave until you have your baby that way I'll have it and you'll know it's safe." she said

"Yea. His name was Mason. He had a lot of light brown hair with a small mole on his little baby bottom. He had green eyes and dimples so big you could swim in them. He had the sweetest smile too. I really miss him."

"Well when we get out we have to find him." she said happily

"You mean when you get out." I said

"yea sure whatever." she said ignoring me

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