chapter two

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it's the party chapter, what you've been waiting for (; enjoy! picture of her dress is on the side.

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friday night

august 19th, 2011


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"Daaaang, girl you look hot!" Ava giggled as she reached over and opened the passenger door. 

"Oh stop it." I said, buckling myself in before smiling at her. She was my best friend in the entire world, ever since preschool when she handed me a princess dress and said 'Wear it.' 

As we pulled into the driveway of the party's host, my heart began to pound. I was a bit...socially awkward. Parties weren't my forté. I twirled a piece of my already curly hair around my finger--nervous habit. I looked over at Ava who was literally bouncing in her seat.

"Come on, Livy. You look freakin' hot." She shoved open the door, stepping out. She smoothed out her dress and hurried over to my side. She opened the door, yanking me out of my seat.

I bit my lip hard, tucking my hair behind my ears as we made our way up the path. Ava smiled flirtatiously at every guy we passed but saved the best for last. As soon as she saw him, her eyes lit up. 3...2...1....

"Please, Livy? Can I go?" She put on the puppy dog look, and I sighed.

"Yeah, go. Have fun." I smiled weakly and she hugged me tightly.

"Thanks hun, you're the best." And with that, she was gone. I turned around slowly, looking for a familiar face. People were dancing, drinking...other stuff. I bit my lip...again...and headed outside. There was way less people, thank goodness. I sat down on the edge one of the patio chairs. I looked up at the sky, not really knowing what to do. I stood up, walking around to the back yard. It was empty and all I could hear was the bass if the music playing inside. A kitten 'mewed' from somewhere and I bent down to find it. I saw big, bright eyes from underneath the stairs leading to the upstairs balcony. I smiled as a orange and white kitty hopped out of the dark and looked up at me.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here alone?" a voice said, making me jump. I turned around and stood up, smoothing out the invisible wrinkles in my dress, looking up into the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Dark brown, but they had a glint in them that made them shine. He smirked at me, making my heart flutter. I smiled back softly.

"Um, well, I--" I bit my lip, not knowing what to say.

"Is that cat more interesting than me?" He teased, crossing his well-toned arms.

"Welllll...." I teased back, making him laugh. His eyes slowly raked down my body, then back up. My heart fluttered again, a smile tugging on the corner of my lips.

"You're not very good at being discreet, you know." I smirked, putting my hands on my hips. 

"Sorry, couldn't help myself." He winked, making me blush. "I'm Ryan, by the way." He held out his hand. I shook it gently, smiling up at him. "I'm Olivia, but you can call me Livy if you want...everyone does."

"Then I'll call you Olivia. I don't want to be like everyone else." He smiled warmly and kissed the back of my hand which he still hadn't let go of, making my hand tingle and my heart pound.

"Would you like to ditch this party?" He asked, his eyes boring into mine.

"Um..I don't know if that's a good idea..." I said, biting my lip. Surprised at how much I really wanted to.

"We could go get some pizza..." Oh, did he say pizza? I'm so in. 

"I have to tell my friend, i'll be right back." He grinned widely, nodding before heading to his truck. I hurried into the house, finding Ava flirting with Will. I smiled, watching how happy she was. She had liked him for years, but he never really noticed her. 

"Hey, Ava, i'm going to get some pizza with this guy I met."

Her flirty smile faded, turning around to look me in the eyes.

"Livy, are you crazy?!" 

"Ava, relax, he's really nice..and we're only getting pizza." She scratched her head, sighing. 

"Fine...go. Be careful, and text me when you get home. Kay?"

"Kay, have fun!" I wiggled my eyebrows, laughing as I walked out the front door. I looked around, not sure where he was. Suddenly, a pair of rough hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who." a husky voice said, making me smile as I reached up, placing my hands on top of his. 

"Some sort of creepy stalker?" I teased, pulling his hands off my eyes.

He chuckled and shook his head. 

"Ready to go?" he said

"Of course."

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Sitting in his truck, we talked about our family, music, friends, and everything in between. He was hilarious, and so sweet. When we got to the pizza place, he parked and looked at me. 

"I thought we could take it to a park?"

"Sounds good."

He smiled at me before going inside, getting our pizza, and heading to the park. When we got there, he pulled onto a meadow. I looked around, this didn't look like a park to me. He hopped out, walking quickly over to my side, helping me out. I smiled greatfully as he pulled me gently to the trunk, lifting the tailgate, spreading out a thick quilt.  My heart fluttered, this had to be the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. He set the pizza down, and helped me up onto the quilt. His hand slipped to my inner thigh, making me blush. His hands set my whole body on fire. Thank goodness it was dark, or else he'd see my flushed face. He hurried inside the truck, digging in his toolbox. He pulled out a lantern and set it in the middle of the blanket. I giggled and laid my head back. 

"Do you do this with every girl you pick up at lame parties?" I smirked, looking over at him.

He smiled warmly and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Nope. Just you."

My heart started pounding again, so loud I was afraid he could hear it. Was he...leaning in? Oh gosh, he was. I leaned in slowly, my eyes fluttering closed. Suddenly, I felt his lips meet mine, so softly and so sweetly.

He pulled away for a second, looking at me, his brown eyes shining. 

I gulped, waiting for him to speak.

But he didn't.

I closed my eyes for a second, only to feel his lips crash onto mine.

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