chapter four

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friday night

september 9th, 2011


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"Is a certain Olivia Kinnley in the mood for a celebration tonight?" Ryan's warm voice asked over the phone as soon as I answered. I smiled to myself and somehow I knew he was doing the same thing just a few miles away.

"And what would this celebration be about?" I asked, leaning against my kitchen counter as OneRepublic's Good Life played from my iPod throughout the house. I fought the strong urge to sing along because, well, let's just say I'm not the best singer. In fact, I'm pretty much the worst.

"Two things, actually. One, I got the job." He paused while I exclaimed and told him how awesome that was, and how proud of him I was. He laughed softly, waiting for me to finish.

"Oh, sorry. Go ahead." I said, blushing slightly. I hate how much I blush, it just gives away my embarrassment // awkwardness // how flattered I am if someone says something nice about me.

"Two, um...I...well..." I stood up straight, waiting anxiously for the second reason. Ryan never got nervous--ever. Which is probably the reason we get along so well. He's loud and crazy, always making me laugh. I'm quiet, sweet, and somehow he loves me for my boringness.

"What is it, Ryan?" I asked, chewing on my thumb nail.

"Well, I was just thinking maybe you would want my parents?" He asked quickly, his words melting together as it hit me what he had said. My breath caught in my throat and a surge of nervous excitement came across me. He wanted me to meet his parents? A smile tugged on the corners of my mouth but I bit my lip to keep from grinning like an idiot.

"Um, Olivia?" He asked and I realized I had been quiet for sometime now.

"I would absolutely love to." I said, heading to my room to pick out something to wear.

"Really?" I could hear the smile in his voice and somehow I knew he was grinning like an idiot. Just the thought made me do the same, fighting the urge to giggle. Gosh, I was turning into a lovesick puppy.

"Yes, of course." I said, laughing softly. "What should I wear, then?" I balanced the phone between my shoulder and my ear as I opened my closet doors and stepped in, looking at all of the choices. I had some adorable jeans that I had yet to wear, oh and maybe that cute blous--


Wait, what? I snapped my head up, causing my phone to fall to the floor. I hurried to pick it up and press it to my ear as I heard Ryan saying my name and asking if I was still there. Fancy? All of our dates had been very laid back, ever since our first picnic in his truck, it had become a tradition every Sunday we would have one. But besides that, we made pizza and cookies together once, gone on a road trip to the next town over, had several movies nights, and even one very "steamy" trip to the hot springs. { Lame joke, sorry }

"I'm sorry, did you say fancy?" I asked, still in shock.

"Yes, if that's parents really wanted it to be at their favorite restaurant...and it's pretty fancy." He said, that nervous rambling was back again.

"Well, that's great because..." Quick, Olivia. Think of something. "I have this new dress I've been dying to wear." That was actually true. Besides the 'dying to wear' part.

"Great, so I'll pick you up at 6:30?"

"Sounds good." I said, and we talked for a while longer before hanging up. I dug in the back for the dress. Ava had given it to me for my 17th birthday, and I had never worn it before. She said it looked "hot with a capital H" but I just thought of it as a little too hot. I bit my lip as I looked at it, wondering if it was too "risky" for meeting his parents, but then I noticed I didn't have anything that fell under the "fancy" category, so I took it off the rack and headed to my bathroom.

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After showering and slipping on my dress, I carefully applied my makeup and blow-dryed my hair to give it a full, wavy look. When it was completely dry and not a frizzy piece of hair in sight it was 6:15. I put on a necklace and slipped on my peep-toe black heels before spraying some of my perfume. I would say it was Ryan's favorite, but every perfume I wear he says is his favorite...even when I'm not wearing any he asks me what perfume I'm wearing. Somehow, it always ends up with his lips pressed to mine.

Just as I finished, I heard a knock on my front door. I grabbed my phone and made my way to the door, smoothing my dress out before I opened it.

"Hi." I said softly, looking at Ryan, who was just standing there. I knew it. Too risky. Darn Ava.

"You--I--Wow." He said, his eyes not once leaving mine. I bit my lip and tucked my hair behind my ear, blushing.

"So, it's not too risky?"

"No!" He said, a little too fast. I laughed and took his hand, leading him to his truck after shutting the door.

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author's note //

oops, sorry (;

haha, I hope you guys like! if so, VOTE (: COMMENT ♥ FAN ☺

show me you like it. you give me love, I promise I'll return the favor. (:

next chapter will be meeting the parents, I promise I won't drag it out, I just don't feel good today and it's affecting my writing.

i love my fans, y'all are great ♥

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