chapter seven

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author's note, muuyy importante:

P.S. (yes i put it first, you gotta problem with that?) I PINKY SWEAR THIS IS BY FAR NOT MY BEST WORK. please pwease PUHWEASE read my other chapters. (:

hey guys (: do you hate me? no? okay good. because if you did i'd cry.

sorry for going MIA for like, EVER. but i'm back and i plan on continuing Ryan and Olivia's journey. (: SO, just a warning THIS CHAPTER IS LIKE, HALF THE SIZE IT SHOULD BE.

I'm doing that too see if people still even care about my writing to see if i will continue or not. so if you like it and you want me to continue writing, FABULOUS, I LOVE YOU. no but seriously, fan // comment// tell your friends or else i might disappear again. and we don't want that, now do we? (; if 15 people (omg 15 people, that should be really easy) comment, vote, or fan, i'll post the rest. if not i'll probably drag my worthless self off of wattpad.

deal?(: kay, here's the story. pardon my rusty-ness. it's been like, forever.

p.s. it's not edited so it probably makes no sense. kbye.

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Ryan's brown eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He quickly snapped his mouth shut and licked his suddenly dry lips. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever until some kid coughed and we both broke out of our daze. His eyes flickered with an emotion I had never seen before. Conflicting, confused. He looked away and cleared his throat. My face turned a deep shade of pink and I looked down at my desk and bit my thumbnail to hide my embarrassment.

"Hey guys, my name is Mr. Harris. You can call me Harris, Mr. H, Ryan, I really don't care." He said and I could tell he had smiled by the way the girls sighed dreamily. I refused to look at Ryan. This could only happen to me. I meet the perfect guy and he just so happens to take a job as my History teacher. I felt my eyes begin to water as Ryan--er, Mr. Harris--began to talk about what we could look forward to this year. I bit my lip hard to keep from crying. I didn't need to direct any more attention to myself.


90 minutes of studying the wood of my desk later, the bell rang and I gathered up my stuff and was the first one out the door. I didn't want to hear him say we couldn't be together, I don't think I could take it.

I couldn't go home, he'd go there first. As I walked toward the front door, I glanced toward the library. Perfect.

I rushed into the cool air of the library and went to the back corner where all of the cozy chairs were. I picked up a random book, one about the American Civil War, and began reading.

"Excuse me, miss?" a familiar voice said. As I turned the page of the book, I looked up at him.

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