Stronger together

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Beckett's POV

After Alexis left I took a deep breath and went out of my room. I rolled down the hall until I met Castle's room. I took another deep breath, then I slowly opened the door to see him sleeping like a baby.

He had a black eye, and he had a knot on the back of his head. The sight had tears come to my eyes, 'how the hell could josh do this!!!' I quietly rolled over to his bed side and took his had in mine.

"I'm so sorry castle, I should of broke up with josh when we got out of the freezer."

With that, his head moved towards me, and I saw his beautiful blue eyes open.

"Hey, are you alright? This officer named Esposito, I think, told me you were shot in the chest."

More tears came to my eyes. I tried to be strong for him, but it was just so hard. He noticed I was crying and took his hand and picked up my chin so my brown-hazel eyes were staring right into his ocean blue ones.
"Kate, why are you crying?"
His voice was full of confusion and worry.
"Castle, what is the last thing you remember?" My tears stopped following finally as I waited for his answer.

"We were in the airplane hangar, and I was trying to keep you calm. I had just dragged you away from Montgomery and you were crying. Then the last thing I remember is hearing gunshots. Kate did one of those men shoot you?"

Trying to hold back the tears, I took a shaky breathe and told him what happened. "Castle, Montgomery is dead. We were all at his funeral and I was giving a speech when the shot fired. From what I've been told you pushed me to the ground and tried to save me but it was to late. Then while I was in surgery, josh, my now 'ex' boyfriend, and you got in a fight and he slammed a metal pipe in the back of your head."

"You broke up with him why?"

At this point my blood was about to boil just thinking about the jack ass, "because your my partner Rick, and no one is going to almost kill my partner and get away with it. And he is going to be in jail for 5 years for assaulting a police officer anyway so why would a cop date a crook?"

He looked at me really confused. "But Kate I'm just a consultant, I'm not a cop. Oh wait, did he try to hurt you? Because if he did, so help me god I will te-"

I giggled a bit before talking. It was kinda funny how protective he was being of me. "Don't worry Castle he didn't try to hurt me, but I might have said he did to get him behind bars. Because no one messes with Kate Beckett and her writer monkey."

He laughed at the nickname, but then his smile turned back into a serious look." Kate, I can hardly remember anyone but you. I can remember Montgomery, bits and pieces of Ryan, Esposito, and laine are coming back to me, and how could I forgot that doctor-motor cycle- boy, but who are Alexis and Martha."

I sighed. "Alexis is your 18 year old daughter from your first marriage to Meridith, then you two got a divorce. You then married your book publisher, Gina, then you two got a divorce. And you have been solving crimes with me at the 12th ever since one of your book parties. Do you remember any of that?"

I had hope going through me, if only he could remember something other than me and the 12th.
"I remember Gina a little bit, and I remember the book party when you came to ask me some questions about a case, but I don't remember Meridith or Alexis at all. Now who is Martha?"
"She is your mother."
His eyes brightened up.
"Ow you mean the red head actress who made me get her Bloody Mary's and ice packs on Saturday after the stressful week."

He finally remembered something! My frown turned into a small smile. "Yep, that would be her."

He squeezed my had slightly. "Alexis must hate me."

"She is more mad at me than you, she believes it's my fault that you lost your memory and she hates the fact that you practically only remember me. And she's right it is my fault. I should have broken up with josh a long time ago."
He looked in my eyes and he could tell how much I was hurting.

"Kate we are going to get trough this, I mean look at us we are practically indestructible , but I'm going to need your help to get trough this."
My smile widened. "I'm not leaving my partner in crime behind. I will be here every step of the way."
He let out a breath then laid down. "You know we have always been stronger together." He slowly closed his eyes. When I knew he was asleep, I carful got up and kissed his cheek. I sat back down and went out of the room.

He remembers me, but I wish he remembered the shot.

Because I remember every last second of it.

"Kate, I love you, I love you Kate."

hey guys!!!!!

I am so so so sorry for not updating in almost a month!!! It's been so stressful already this year, my moms aunt passed away this past weekend and I have had to be there for her. And on Saturday it was snowing so I went sledding with some old friends/ enemies (hopefully not enemies any more) and because of falling off the sled/drip pan(don't laugh it actually works awesome in snow and ice) and bumping into someone and hurting my back, I have been ace-Ing all over lately(super lazy, right)

I have decided that I am only going to update this story and my other story "a Heavy heart" only once a month, maybe twice I'm just not sure yet.

And it would be easy to right but the problem is, IM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS!!!! So if you have any feel free to comment or inbox me with ideas!!!!

So so so so sorry again guys!!! And thank you so much for reading!!!!


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