Child problems & awkward momments

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Kate's POV

Two months later.


"Nice job detective, at this rate we will be back at the 12th by the end of the week." I looked over at my partner and sighed.
"I wish that was the truth castle, but you know how the new captain feels, she doesn't want me back for another month." He looked down at the ground and mumbled something.
"Hey castle are you ok, I mean if your tired we can head back to my place and get something to eat."

Within the last two months me and castle have become closer. He almost remembers everything except for Alexis or the shot. And I am stronger, and maybe this time when I get back to the 12th I will be able to catch the people behind my mothers murder. I just hope I won't let her down again.

"No, I'm fine, but maybe we should go get something to eat."
I nodded my head then picked up my purse and me and Rick walked out of the building.
"Dose remies sound good to you castle?" I looked over at him to see that he was texting someone.
"Is everything alright Rick?"
He looked up from his phone and met my eyes.

"Ya everything it fine, it's just I'm trying to find out if Alexis is okay,I mean it's been almost two weeks and she is still staying with Ashley."
I looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry castle, I know this is a hard time for the both of you, but you will get your memory back and then everything will go back to normal."

The story behind Alexis is after she blew up at me she wouldn't talk to me. She stayed with her dad the first month to try and help him remember, but it wasn't helping so she gave up and went to stay with Ashley, or at least that's what she told her family.

"I hope I will get my memory back, it feels like something big happened during the time of the shot, but I just can't remember."

I sighed."it's ok castle, maybe it's better that you don't remember, I mean why would you want to remember a horrible time like that?" I looked down at the ground and tried not to tear up.
"Because I feel like I said something very important to someone that I love deeply." He had a serious look on his face, almost like he was telling me that he remembered.
I looked up at him and our eyes met, his blue eyes were pulling me in and before I knew it me and him were both leaning in. Our lips were close to touching until he pulled away. I quickly did the same to make sure it didn't become awkward between us. But why did he pull away?

"I guess we should go to remies." He said walking to the restaurant. I sighed then followed him into the building.
We sat down at our regular booth and waited for someone to take our order in silence.

"Hi my name is Mandy and I'll take your order. So what can I get you two."

Castle cleared his throat. "I'll take a double cheeseburger with everything on it with a side of fries and a strawberry milkshake." He gave the waitress his menu and then pulled out his phone to text Alexis I'm guessing.

"And what about you miss?"her voice startled me.

"Ow um I'll have the same." I handed her my menu then looked at castle to see he was staring at me.

"Ok well I'll be back with your orders in a few minutes, if you two need anything just tell me."
Castle was still staring at me until I decided to break the wired silence.
"So when are you planning on writing your next book?" I knew he had just published 'Heat Rises' but I had to break the awkward silence.
"Well, I was planning on starting in a month or two, I want to have my memory back before I start my next book." I nodded my head then brought up another subject after another, after another, and finally before we knew it we were done with our food and ready to go home. We walked out of the diner to find it was dark out and surprisingly it was already passed twelve.

"Hey Rick it's already passed midnight so do you just wanna crash on my couch tonight?"
Without thinking much he nodded his head yes then we headed toward my apartment.
When we got there I opened the door then locked it quickly behind us. You can never be to safe when someone wants you dead. Castle walked over to my couch and picked up a movie that was laying on coffee table.
"Hey I got an idea, how about we have a star wars movie marathon, and whoever falls asleep first has to cook breakfast in the morning." I thought about it for a minute then finally gave in. I then changed into my pajamas and I gave castle a pair  of Josh's old sweat pants and one of his old tee shirts. We then sat on the couch and started the movie marathon.
Half way through episode III my eyes started to feel heavy and without knowing what I was doing I cuddled up close to castle and my head was laying on his chest. Once I realized what I was doing I tried to get up off of him but I then found that his arm was around my waist. I was about to try and get up again but I was just to sleepy. So I decided to sleep there. I closed my eyes and about five minutes, as I was falling into sleep, I swear I heard a voice say.

"I love you Kate Beckett, sweet dreams."

And I was asleep.

Hey people's

Sorry for the lame chapter I'm just really tired right now and it's like 3:30 A.M.

Just so you guys know, castle and Beckett are not going to get together that quick (sorry😊)

Hopefully I will have a new chapter up soon. Bye guys

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