Changes in CHAPTERS 50-53

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    Chapter 50, after "My dear child, you've done so well.

"I am already done?" I ask.

"As you wish, my dear child. It is up to you. You can join us, or you can fight on for your life and for other people."

I almost decide to go with her, to leave all pain and all fear behind. But then the image of Tobias comes to my mind, and I almost sob as I imagine his grief. How could I leave him? And then I see the image of Caleb, crushed due to all guilt caused by my sacrifice. And lastly I see a large crowd of desperate people from the fringe, begging for help. I know that I am going to select a lot of pain and still more sacrifices, but I know now that this is the right way. I whisper, "I have to stay. There is so much more to be done..."

She smiles to me. "I expected that you would again chose the most selfless way. Then I have to tell you something. David is hiding a lot of data. Find them and finish the work I began. Resolve all lies of the Bureau."

I look at her, as she hugs me. I feel a thread tugging me again, but this time I know that it isn't some sinister force dragging me toward death. This time I know it's my mother's hand, drawing me into her arms. And I go gladly into her embrace. In the moment it is almost like I would see Caleb's eyes, but then everything gets dark.


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