Chapter seven: Sad really

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Gwaine and Arthur were in front as I was riding behind them thinking about why I just couldn’t decide between them already.

Why I found it so hard to know which one I loved more or cared more about. If you asked me that right now I just cannot answer it.

‘Merlin are you alright, ‘asked Arthur.

‘I am fine thanks Arthur, ‘I said to him feeling a little less angry at him.

I couldn’t stay angry at Arthur too long that clearly showed how much I liked him right?

‘So I see you got your own way with your father, ‘ said Gwaine.

‘Have you got a problem with that Gwaine?’ asked Arthur.

‘No sire I was just saying. It must be nice being the prince and getting your own way, ‘said Gwaine.

‘Do you think I get my own way? When do I get my own way Gwaine? I cannot kiss someone in front of him because he most likely have that person executed. If my father knew who I loved he would hate me or kill that person I want to be with. How do I get my own way Gwaine when I cannot do half the things I wish to do? Having a servant as a friend my father just about deals with but loving one I can never do that while he continues to follow the stupid rules, ‘ said Arthur angrily.

‘Sorry sire.’

It fell silent after that. I looked over at Arthur wondering if he was talking about Gwen or about me.

Gwaine would think he was talking about Gwen and maybe he was. Maybe he hated me now after that fight we had between us.

I wouldn’t blame him.

‘I do not blame you Gwaine you have only been a knight for a while and use to being treated horribly and not getting your own way. I am sorry, ‘said Arthur.

Gwaine nodded but didn’t say anything.

It was clear both of them didn’t really like each other. If they found out about me dating both of them I could just imagine where it would end up and it all be my fault.

Why am I such an idiot?

We arrived at the outline village a while later. Gwaine and Arthur got of their horses left them with me and both headed into the village to check everyone was alright.

I got of my horse and got all three horses some water to drink and a little bit to eat. After a while I wondered where Gwaine and Arthur had got too and began to worry a little.

I tied the horses up and headed into the village to find people running all other the place. What the heck was going on here?

I rushed forward to see a huge man chasing a young child.

‘Hey pick on someone your own size.’

‘What did you say, ‘the man advanced on me.

‘I am not scared of you,’ I shouted back at him.

‘Wait a minute your Merlin.’

‘How do you know my name, ‘ I asked him.

‘I know a lot about you Merlin and you also happen to have magic, ‘he hissed as he charged at me.

I ran passed him heading further into the village knowing this was not a good sign that this man knew who I was and knew about the magic too.

I spotted Gwaine and Arthur fighting off a few men with their swords. I ran forward but I regretted it after.

A huge man grabbed me with his huge arms and chucked me hard to the floor. I moaned with pain and tasted blood.

As I had hit my mouth hard on the floor and now it was bleeding badly.

Gwaine and Arthur had noticed what had happened and charged forward to help me.

I didn’t have a choice I would have to use my magic to get us out of this but I didn’t get a chance as that other man who knew I had powers came along and pulled me close to him.

‘Magic is not going to save you this time little warlock, ‘he hissed as he pulled out a necklace and stuck it around my neck.

I felt pain as though someone was draining me of all my energy.

‘What are you doing to Merlin let him go, ‘shouted Arthur.

‘Why should I, ‘spat the man.

‘I will not allow this to happen, ‘said Gwaine stepping forward.

‘Oh really, ‘laughed the man.

Gwaine and Arthur both loved me. I knew that.

This must have been killing them inside but not as much as it was hurting me right now. I knew what the necklace was doing. It was blocking my magic so I couldn’t use it.

The man began to tie me up as Arthur and Gwaine charged forward and knocked the man aside.

They both knelt down beside me looking both directly at me.

‘I love you Merlin, ‘said Arthur and Gwaine at the same time.

I looked at both of them with shock. Did they just say what I think they just said?

Arthur and Gwaine looked at each other weirdly.

‘You what, ‘they both asked each other at last.

‘I love Merlin we have been dating, ‘said Arthur.

‘Do not kid around Arthur I am the one who has been dating Merlin, ‘said Gwaine.

‘What how can that be, ‘said Arthur.

They both looked back at me weirdly.

‘I’m sorry I just loved both of you and I can both hate me and leave me here to die, ‘I said to them.

‘No!’ they both said loudly.

‘Look out guys, ‘I said but it was too late two huge men knocked Arthur and Gwaine out dragging them away.

‘No!’ I screamed at them as I moaned in pain at the same time.

‘You will be joining your little boyfriends soon. So they both love you huh aren’t you in a little bit of a pickle, ‘grinned the man.

‘You cannot do this, ‘I said angrily.

‘But Merlin I can. I just did. My boss is going to be pleased to see you as well as shocked at how you somehow got a knight and a prince of Camelot to fall in love with you. Most probably magic. Sad really, ‘laughed the man as he came closer to me and before I knew it I felt myself passing out as he chucked me to the floor head first.

End of chapter seven


Sorry i think this is shorter than normal oh well hope u enjoyed it anyway

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