Chapter Ten: I was back with Arthur and I loved it

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I slowly opened my eyes trying to get use to the light in my room. I sat up after my eyes adjusted to the light in the room to find myself alone.

I had no idea how long I had been out for but it must have been for at least a little while and I didn’t like it one little bit.

I found myself breathing heavily but I didn’t know why I was. I felt a lot better than I had done when I first woke up but I still felt a little weak but the pain was not as bad as it had been.

I wanted to see Arthur and let him know how much I cared about him and how much I truly loved him. I also wanted to say sorry to Gwaine about what I have put him through.

I didn’t even know if Arthur would want to spend the rest of his life with me when I had cheated on him and coursed so many problems.

I didn’t know what to think or what to do. I was cross with myself but also very upset about everything that had happened.

I listened to the silence for a little while and then I heard noise from the other part of the chamber and I listened closely to just about hear voices.

“Gaius are you sure Merlin is going to be ok he has been out for nearly five days and he has not drank or eaten anything,” I heard Arthur’s concerned voice.

My heart felt like it had leapt out of my chest at the words I had just heard from the man I love.

“Arthur I know you love Merlin. I know you care dearly for him but you must trust me when I say I am doing the best I can,” said Gaius.

“I know you are Gaius, I know,” said Arthur.

I couldn’t stand listening any longer and I used all my will being to drag myself out my bed. I was stumbling as I got to my feet but I walked as quickly as I could towards the door.

I pulled it open and spotted Arthur about to leave and I couldn’t let him do that. I had to tell him right now.

“Arthur,” I called his name as loud as I could but my throat didn’t work as well as it normally would which annoyed me but he still heard me.

Arthur turned around quickly and so did Gaius. Their eyes landed on me and they both smiled like I had just filled them with happiness and that feeling made me feel so alive.

Arthur rushed forward as I tried to step down the stairs but it didn’t work and I stumbled forward but Arthur caught me in his mussel arms and I put my head against his sexy chest.

“Merlin you shouldn’t be out of bed,” was Arthur’s first words to me after all this time but I had not expected anything else.

“I have to tell you something,” I said to him.

“What is it Merlin?” asked Arthur as he helped me back into my room and into my bed.

“I am sorry for what I put you and Gwaine through but I know who I want to spend the rest of my life with,” I said to him as I looked into his sexy blue eyes.

“Who do you want to be with Merli?,” asked Arthur.

I took Arthur’s hand and gestured him to sit next to me on the bed which he did. I leaned in close to him and whispered into his ear, “I want to be with you Arthur. I always have loved you and besides you’re my prat forever and always.” I moved my lips from his ear to his lips and I kissed him.

His red smooth but rough lips touched mine and I was filled with happiness from head to toe. I forgot about the pain I was in, I forgot about Gaius watching us or the fact that I was kissing the prince of Camelot and anyone could walk in. I just didn’t care.

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