Chapter 4

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Heloooo! It's the summer holidays! Wooooo! SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMERRRR! We had to sit for an hour in a cramped, smelly , freakin boiling room with the whole frickin school and I really had to pee. It wasnt pleasant. BUT I did manage to not pee on the floor of our sports hall so it's all good. ANY WAY ENOUGH OF MY WIERD PEE STORIES;HERE'S CHAPTER 4!

-this is the chapter the boys come into it!-

Liam's POV

Me and the lads ran into the dressing room covered in sweat. Everyone stunk, especially Niall. EW. I thought I was going to pass out from the smell of his BO. we were all full of energy from an amazing concert that we just finished. I love this job. We get to do what we love and get loads of amazing fans and paid loads. It has it's downsides but I'm defiantly glad I tried out for X-Factor.

"That was a great show!" I said above everybody's panting. They all agreed with me and made our way to the car along with Paul. We usually have showers and meet some fans after concerts but management agreed we need a week off of that and early nights. They wanted us to not do concerts for a week as we were all exhausted from the tour but we refused. Our fans have paid money and put effort into seeing us not to just get a refund. So we came to a compromise- concerts but no meeting fans.- we all pulled into the car and started chatting about the show. It was hilarious when Niall and Zayn saw a bug on stage and practically shit themselves. It was tiny and they were petrified! I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath. We suddenly heard a scream and the car was jolted to stop. Everyone was in shock. What just happened?

Paul's POV



We just hit someone! I dived out of the car with the boys hot on my heels. We gathered round a girl who looked no older than 17. She looked really hurt. I quickly called an ambulance and checked her pulse. Thank god she was still breathing.

The ambulance quickly arrived and she was whisked away to hospital with me sitting with her in the ambulance. The boys were driving behind us to the hospital. When we arrived the wheeled her into a room full of nurses and started putting tubes into her. <that wasn't meant to sound so wrong ;P> the finished and left the room leaving her, the boys and me.

She started to move and eventually blinked open her eyes

Harry's POV

We were waiting in hospital for this girl so wake up. She started to stir and slowly open her eyes. They were beautiful. SHE was beautiful. Her eyes were crystal blue. They looked a bit like Nialls but more girly and prettier. They had tiny dots of green and grey in them. Her face was round shaped and she had a cute button nose. Her hair was light browny and was really long. She was just so beautiful. I didn't know how to describe her without using the word perfect.

-picture of her eyes to the side. I know they're different to the ones in the pic of her but imagine the pictures mixed together!-

Sky's POV

Pain. That's all I could feel right now. I've just been hit by a car. Am I really that stupid?

My eyes became heavier and heavier until I couldn't keep them open. Just as they drooped shut I heard car doors slamming and the word 'crap' repeated. I then drifted off. I felt bright lights glowing down on me. Too bright for my liking. I slowly opened my eyes and was defiantly not expecting what I saw. I could see 6 people gathered round me all with worried looks on their faces. Some of them looked really familiar. Lightbulb moment! I know who they are! They're the people who's concert I was at! But why are a boy band gathered round me?

Okay okay okay I know it was short but I really need some food and I wanted to update. Ill post this, get some food and then start writing again! Bye for now!.


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