Chapter 7

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hiiiiiiiiii the few people/person who actually reads this story! I know hardly anyone is reading it but it's quite fun to write so I'm going to carry on anywway.


Sky's POV

'morning sleepy head' someone sat next to me cooed

'what?' i croaked out. What's going on and why am I in a car? It all rushed back to me and I remembered why I'm in a car with a boyband and they're main bodyguard. Holly is going to kill me. I mean if one of my friends were in a car with Ed Sheeran it would be difficult. I would kill for an autograph or to meet him. Well not literally kill, well.....maybe I mean it is Ed...JOKING.. although you don't know every thought that goes through my mind. I've thought about some......'colourful' things I would do to get an autograph. I won't go into details as i would probably be put in a mental home but I will say I know exactly how to break someones nose with one punch and where to kick to make someone instantly fall over. Be very afaid! No no I'm just joking, I would probably just say they were really lucky and hope they enjoyed it. I can't blame them for something that wasn't their fault....unfortunatly...stupid conciense....

'you fell asleep about 5 minutes before i did!' I looked to my side to find Niall. Aw he looked really adorable! His hair was all messy and he looked shattered but it made him looked even cuter. I think I'm staring. I should probably stop. BUT HE LOOKS SO CUTE. I hope he doesn't mind me staring. CAN'T.STOP. Just look away. I can do this. Blink and look away whilst my eyes are closed. That's a good plan, I like that one. Thank you me. Your welcome me. I managed to snap out of it and looked around. Everyone was staring at me now. A few in shock but most in fear. Mother fudger I think I said it out loud.

'I just said all of that at loud didn't I?.....' Of course I already I knew the answer though

'Errmm yeah....' Louis replied still looking at me with fear swimming in his eyes.

'Well that's embarrassing....yeahilljustgonowthanksfortheliftguysyourallreallynice!' I rambled out whilst making a bee line for the door. I jumped out quickly and ran to my house. Damn it's cold outside. I quickly unlocked the house and jumped in without checking if the van was still there. Thank god my parents weren't home because no I don't have to ring them -que evil laugh- MMMWWWUUUUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA AHAHAHAAAA!

*an hour later* I love Glee. It's like the best thing ever. I'm sat on the sofa with all the lights out, a blanket and popcorn whilst having a Glee marathon. What? The doctor said I'd be a bit dizzy for a while so I can't be doing exercise now can? Not that I would any waay. It's like 3 in the morning but I'm not even tired. OHHH WE'VE GOT A BADASS OVER HERE! I know right! I'm so badass. I should probably stop talking to myself. WHY? DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG? I DON'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE! No no no I do like you I just think it's a bit weird! IM TELLING MUM YOU SAID I WAS WEIRD! Errrrm we're the same person...SOO?

I'm just too weird. I'm gonna try and not talk to myself but it's hard sometimes, I mean, I'm freakin hilarious!

*the next day*

I woke up and checked the clock. 1:26. Not too early and not too late. I might have a shower I probably smell. I DO NOT SMELL.

NOT THIS AGAIN. I jumped out of bed an-SHIT! I tripped :( stupid shoe. Maybe I could clean my room today. Ahahahahahahaha like I'd ever tidy my room.

*BRERRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGG* stupid door bell. Stupid person ringing it. If its a sales person I'm gonna have some fun. (A/N that sounded wrong...IT WASNT MEANT TOOO!) lead him on and somehow move to a really deep topic. Like the core of the earth! Get it? Yeah? No? Well then. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and came to close to tripping again. Ohhhh weeelllllll. I opened the door and was trampled. OohhHHH MY GOD IM BEING ROBBED. WHERE'S THE HOOVER?!?!WHERE THE MOTHER FLOOPERS IS THE HOOVER WHEN YOU NEED IT!? I could have them in a box captured in moments with a flippin Hoover. I looked up to see Harry,Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis? What are they doing here? *MULTIPLE LOUD SCREAMING* and what the flackers is that sound?! It's bloody annoying.

'errrrrrrrr guys what are you doing here?' I asked them

'Well you left you jumped in the car last night and we were going to go shopping so we thought we could drop it off on the way back. We were on our way here and got but mobbed....' Niall explained

'Ohhhhhhhhhokaaaaaaayyy' I replied. 'Well err I guess you could stay for a while then. I mean it's not like I had any plans anyway, I was just going to sit around all day doing nothing but eat' I half joked to them but we all know it was true. I just hope they don't know that.

' oh I'm so sorry Sky, is there anything we can do?' Liam rambled on

I just burst out laughing. They all looked at me as if I was crazy. They actually thought I wouldn't do that all day? That's what I love about life. I eventually stopped laughing and looked at them. They were all looking at me questioningly.

'What?' I asked

'Why did you just have a laughing fit?' Harry asked in a slow deep voice.

' you actually thought I was going to do something? I live for days when you don't have to do anything!'

I just got loads of 'ohhhs' and chuckles back.

'Hey I've got an idea! Why don't we......'

Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry NOT SORRY. It wasnt as long as I wanted this chapter to be like but I don't have the energy to carry on writing. I might later cos I'm staying up to watch the teen choice awards, stupid time differences. SHOUT OUT TO Babyslothxo! Her fanfic is 'One Little Lie' its really goodddddd so go and check it oooutttttt!


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