Chapter 12

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Monday morning. Gee great. I reached my arm out of the warmth and slammed it down on my alarm. The droning continued as I carried in smacking the clock. The freakin notice wouldn't stop! What the hell? I opened my tired blue eyes only to find out it was 6 in the morning. Whhhaaaattttt? I don't wake up until 7? Dragging my body upwards I realised someone was knocking on the door. Oh. But who the hell would come round here at 6 in the morning? Okay I'm quite worried. Dad has a key, on the occasions he comes home and then there's me, and I'm Slumping down the stairs my feet we still half asleep and I tripped over, resulting in me falling all the way down the stairs.


All I could see was a blur. All I could feel was pain. I screamed in surprise as I continued plunging down the long stairs. How long are these stairs? I finally landed at the bottom of the stairs in a ball. I'm literally squished up. My leg is behind my head -and I'll tell you, I'm not flexible so this is frickin painful-, the other leaning up against the wall next to the stairs, my arm was caught up in the banister all twisted round while the other under my back. Why am I such a cluzt? Erg I'm so uncomfortable right now but everything hurts so I can't bring myself to move. A loud bang brought me back down to earth and heavy foot steps quickly following.


Liam's POV

I'm so worried, Sky hasn't called up in a week and it seemed like something bad was happening. I've wanted to go over everyday for the last week but it's been full of interviews and signings along with concerts. Finally tomorrow we have a day off. Louis is spending it with Eleanor (A/N sorry Larry shippers :) ), Zayn had a fight with Perrie last night so they're soughing it out, Niall is going to stay at home resting because he's got quite a bad cold and Harry is coming with me.

I sat up gasping for breath, sweat trickling down my forehead. It was just a dream. Thank god. I'm so glad that Sky wasn't brutally murdered after being kidnapped. That was a horrible dream. But it was just a dream. Calm down Liam. It's okay, just a simple dream. I turned my head to the clock to find the hands instructing me it's 4 in the morning. There's no way I'm going back to sleep now, might as well get up. The cold hit my bare legs like knives. I grabbed a pair of sweats and a hoodie from the side to cover up my boxers. Careful to not wake Daniele -yes Daniele, I ship it even when it's at the bottom of the ocean- who was peacefully curled up in my bed sleeping away, I crept out if my room and into my sitting room. As I flicked through the channels nothing caught my attention so I switched the tv off and went in search for something to eat.

After 2 bowls of cocopops, and apple, 2 slices of toast and a can of lemonade I decided to get dressed. After finding a random tee i grabbed a pair of jeans and a plain black belt, I walked over to the bathroom to have a shower. I twisted the bolt over to locked and grabbed a blue towel of the small white towel rack. I put it on he radiator so it was warm when i got out. I tore off my sweats and top then threw them into the dirty washing basket.

After my shower I scooped up the towel from the radiator and wrapped it around my now freezing body. I got dressed in the clothes off of the side. Slowly unlocked the door and peeked my head around the door. Daniele was still sound asleep in bed. Thank god I didn't wake her. My cold feet padded along the fluffly rug and onto the cold floorboards we have in the hall.

*errrmmmm random phone noice...BEEEEEEPPPPP*

My eyes scanned the room for my IPhone. I saw it on the table next to the sofa and quickly snatched it up. I tapped accept and placed the phone next to my ear.

'Is this Liam?' A gruff male sounding voice questioned.

'Um yeah Liam speaking, who's this?' I replied confused at who would ring at like 7 in the morning?

"Well listen here you little rich boy, if you ever want to see Sky again...



sowie :(

Um no.

I don't know.

Me no no.

Um bye


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