Chapter 5

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Hellloooooo! It took a tad longer to write this chapter because I might have a gotten distracted watching Harry potter. It was the Philosophers stone! Anyyyy way here's chapter 5

Sky's POV

"Errrrrr hi?" I managed to croak out.

They all smiled at me and the older looking one apologised for hitting me. I just told him it was fine and he went to ask the doctor when I'd be able to leave.

"Do you know the date?" The one with short brown hair along with blue eyes.

"20th of July?" It came out as a question as I was utterly confused

"Why are you asking me?" I questioned still confused

"Just checking you don't have any memory loss or anything!" He chuckled.

He seems nice but why are they still stood there? They can leave, I hope they know that.

"Soooo.... Do you know who we are?" Curly asked

"Emm well I think I saw you before, did you guys just have a concert or something?"

"Yeah, do you know our names?" Blondie asked

" sorry no..." I admitted quite embarrassed.

" if you don't know our names, why did you go to our concert?" Curly asked

"We'll my friends sister won tickets and non of her friends like pop music so she took her sister. Her sister being my fiend. I didn't want to leave my friend with her obsessed sister and a loud crowd of screaming 'fan girls' so I are with her for moral support." I explained and they simply nodded understandingly chuckling lightly.

The other guy came back and said that I could leave in about an hour as I had no concussion and no broken bones. I nodded to him showing I understand.

"Okay so I'm Harry but you can call me Haz or whatever!" Curly introduced

"I'm Liam!" The one with shortish hair and a little quiff said

"I'm Zayn" the quieter one announced

"I'm Niall!" Blondie shouted

"AND IM SARAH!" The one with brown hair and blue eyes screamed earning a glare from the older one.

"No I'm just joking, I'm Louis!" He finally said

"Okay, ehh hi! I'm sky " I replied

I got loads of hi's and hello's back

" and I'm Paul, they're main body guard!" The older one introduced

"Hi!" I replied.

We just kind of chit chat for a bit until I could leave. I climbed out of bed and grabbed the bag or my clothes and belongings making my way to the bathroom.

"You know you can change in front of us love" Harry joked winking at me.

In the past hour I've learnt Harry is a total flirt, Louis and Niall are really funny, Zayn is quite quiet but the more you get to know him the less shy he is and Liam tends to be quite responsible to has done his fair share of idiotic things.

I just playfully glared at Harry as I continued walking towards the bathroom. When I got there I got changed then walked back out.

It's wierd actually, I've only known these people for about an hour but I already feel I could trust them so much. They seem like alright peo-SHIT! CHLOE! I need to ring her NOW befroe she calls the police and my parents! Quickly dug my phone out of the bag and pressed C for Choles speed dial.

"SKY? HELLO? ARE YOU OKAY, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU??!!" Chloe screamed down the phone, questions being thrown at me.

"Chloe I'm fine! I just got a little lost but I got knocked down my a car. I'm fine and just had some cuts and bruises. I'm about to leave the hospital now!" I replied ignoring her scream when I mentioned about getting knocked down.

"Okay shall I pick you up? I hope the ass hole who knocked you down had the curtesy to call you an ambulance! I'm so glad your okay I was about to ring the police!"

"No it's fine I have a ride home but thanks and about that.. They called me an ambulance and it was completely my fault. They're giving me a lift back and I think your sister will kill me when she finds out who they are.." I answered

"Okay, WHO?" She practically screamed the last part

" errmmm well they were on the way back from their conce-"

"OH MY GOD YOU GOT HIT BY A CAR THAT ONE DIRECTION WERE IN?" Holly screamed after interrupting me. I guess Chloe put it on loud speaker then.

"Well... Yeah" I replied as I walked back into the room. I burst out laughing at what I saw when I walked in. Niall was......

CLIFFHANGGERRRRRRRRR AHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAA! #Sorrynotsorry! So I might not be ablt to update tomorrow because I'm going back to my mums and trying to help break the record on most views of music video on BSE :( ill do a double chapter on Tuesday thought but after that ill update a lot less as I'm moving house a week on monday and I need to pack! Byeeeeee


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