Part 2

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Cheese was in his room pacing back and forth. " who does she think she is choosing my life for me? Oh I forgot. My mother." Cheese said in a frustrated voice. Through out his life his 'mother' often chose what he should do and what he should not do. She was always picky and annoying when it came to his life and he had just about enough of it. "Cheese do this and cheese do that and don't do that or that." He said as he mocked his mothers voice. " I am a full grown stallion. I should decide on what to do with MY life not letting her do it for me." Cheese said as he walked outside on his balcony. That was then he heard a sniffle and turned his head to the source of the sniffle and saw a light pink mare with a straight dark pink mane and tail. She also had a golden tiara with pink and blue diamonds in it and a pearl necklace with a turquoise heart shaped jewel in the middle and a cutie mark of two blue balloons and one yellow balloon. She looked like a total wreck. Her hair was a mess had scratch marks all over her body and a giant scar on her right forleg. She was crying and hopelessly lost. " who is that?" Cheese Said. And looked at her again to see that she was still crying. "She's hurt. I need to help her." Cheese Said with concern in his voice. He came out of his room  unbeknownst to his mother who was having her 'beauty' sleep and snorted because he didn't really care what she was doing and went outside and went up to the crying mare. "Hello?" Cheese Said to her and she looked up at him and cheese gasped because standing right in front of him was the most beautiful mare he has ever seen. She had blue eyes that matched the blue balloons to her cutie mark and she was also wearing blue eyeshadow and mascara on her eyelashes. " huh? W-who are you?" Cheese was awestruck by her voice because it was like the voice of an angel. it was high pitched but in a beautiful way. " it's okay I won't hurt you I just want to help you. Here let me see your hoof." Cheese Said  she gave him her hoof to look at and he gasped at the scar she had. "Here come with me and I'll take care of your hoof." Cheese Said to the mare and led her to his secret hideout. Okay everyone I am so sorry about taking a long time to update but here is chapter 2. I promise next week I will update again and tell me what you think about this chapter. Peace out.

Love Hurts CheesePie Where stories live. Discover now