Part 7

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Cheese walked in his secret hideout humming happily to see pinkie pie again. Although when he got there he gasped when he saw the guards were roughly holding her. His eyes widened more when he saw fluttershy hold a sword up to pinkie's neck. Just then guards sunset shimmer, applejack and rainbow dash (along with a gun) all grabbed on to him. "Stay away from the trespasser." Said rainbow dash angrily glaring at pinkie pie while holding cheese away from her. "C-cheese." Pinkie pie said while crying. "Silence!" Said applejack glaring at pinkie pie. "Please don't do this. She's a princess." Said cheese. "Princess or not we still have to do our job!" Said fluttershy while raising the sword blade. "NO!!!" Cheese yelled. But it was too late as he saw fluttershy cut pinkie's neck with the sword making a clinking sound. Cheese watched in horror as he saw pinkie fall to the ground and began crying while struggling to get out of sunset shimmer's rainbow dash's and applejack's grip. He succeeded and ran to pinkie. "Pinkie please don't die. Please don't leave me." Cheese said sobbing. " cheese sandwich. You have been a good friend to me and remember that I will always love you." Said pinkie in her dying breath. " no. No. Please don't die. Please." Cheese said. "Cheese?" Said pinkie pie. "Yes?" Cheese said. "I love you." Said pinkie pie. "I love you too pinkie. Please don't die." Cheese said while still crying. "You'll always be in my heart." Said pinkie pie before closing her eyes and going up to heaven. "Pinkie? Pinkie please. Wake up. Pinkie? Please. Pinkie?" Said cheese while shaking pinkies body to wake her up. But sadly she was gone and he began to cry again. "I know it's hard man." Said rainbow dash. "But we had to do our job." Said fluttershy. Cheese raised his head up and began to glare at the guards. "Alright. Take it easy." Said sunset shimmer trying her best to calm the prince down. Cheese got up on his own four hooves and glared at all of them."NO!!! I WILL NOT TAKE IT EASY!!!!" Cheese said and grabbed fluttershy's sword from her mouth and pinned her to the floor and pointed the sword to her eye. "Whoa. Hey put the sword down." Said applejack. "Never! You killed my only true love! And now I'm going to repay the favor with all of you!!!!!!" Cheese said and begin to lower the tip of the sword to fluttershy's eye. Rainbow dash gasped and shot him in the chest with the gun making a boom noise. Cheese began to fall to the ground right next to pinkie's lifeless body. "Dude. You shot the prince." Said sunset shimmer. Fluttershy got up. "Right in the chest." She said. " I had to. Any pony with a weapon must die." Said rainbow dash. "P-pinkie." Cheese said before passing on. Cheese opened his eyes and saw that he was in a bright place with clouds under his hooves. And for some strange reason he had a pair of big white wings on his back and a halo above his head. "Where am I?" Cheese said looking around and gasped as he saw pinkie sitting at a table drinking tea. She also had big white wings and a halo above her head. She saw cheese and gasped. "Cheese." She said while getting up and running towards him. "Pinkie." Cheese said while running towards her and with love's in bloom remix playing in the background. When they finally got to each other they embraced in a big hug. "I thought I'd  never see you again." Cheese said crying tears of joy. "Me too." Said pinkie who was also crying tears of joy. They finally kissed. Months later they were married and had two baby foals pound cake and pumpkin cake and they lived happily ever after. The end. Hello everyone. This is the last part of my story. I'm going to be writing a Starco story but not for two weeks due to the cast I have on my left hand. So please don't hate me for not writing another story immediately and tell me what you think of this chapter. Peace out.

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